Voice of Steemit - Suicide Awareness Campaign - Project Execution Plan and Details. A Whaleshares and EOSForum Token Project

Voice of Steemit is the voice of every person on Steemit. We provide you the platform to make yourself heard in the society, we bring out the untold stories which were always hidden by individuals for the fear being judged by the society or for the lack of right people around them or fearing for their life when they have something to tell about the political system around them. You now have a chance to tell the world your story and talk to people who relate themselves with the similar thought process as that of yours. Your identity is hidden, yet your message will reach out to wider audience of a global scale. Most exciting feature of this project is you get rewarded with tokens for all your efforts.

We will be coming out with various sub projects as we go on, from social, cultural or political issue, this platform will stand as a voice of Steemit. In this regard first sub project will be Suicide Awareness Campaign, where we mainly deal with people suffering in silence under depression.

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Suicide Awareness Campaign : Be A Sharing Heart To Those Under Depression

Project Abstract : Depression is one topic that touches almost everyone in life, we all go through that phase in life where we suffer in silence. Fortunately some of us will always have right people around us to share our sorrow during this tough phase of life, whereas there are many who continue to suffer in silence and when they no longer can sustain the pain take their lives. Through this campaign we bring out such people, give them the hope that they are not alone in their fight, connect them with people on Steemit who are ready to share their sorrows, bring them back to healthy life by giving them mental health counseling. While we do all this the identity of person sharing his/her story will be completely hidden for all the right reasons.


Project Inclusions: Vital members of the project

1) People Under Depression:
People who are under depression suffering in silence play a pivotal rule by telling their story, they write their story to us, which will be posted by us by keeping the sender's name anonymous. We will be putting our best effort forward in making such stories reach wider audience. People who go though the story and willing to be a part of this drive will be made to speak to the person sharing the story through platforms like Discord and Mumble hangouts. People sharing stories will get new friends and rewards post makes will be shared with them along with few tokens.

2) People who have gone through depression and now out of it :
There are many among us who have suffered and now out of it. These people serve as right examples to tell their story of survival which will serve as an inspiration to others who are still suffering. It takes a brave heart to come out and share such stories, so such individuals will be rewarded with tokens and will stand a chance to be a part of our core committee. They will also be a part of counseling team if we feel they can do justice to that role.

3) Core team and counselors :
The core committee who will be driving this project, it consists of a Steemit witness, People who have studied human psychology, Motivational speakers and others who have come out of depression to lead a healthy life.

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Execution Plan :

  1. We invite stories from all those people who are under depression and who are in need of help. Such stories received through a personal email will be scrutinized by the core team and will posted from a my profile. No identity of anyone involved will be revealed, it is all done as a anonymous

  2. Once the post is published people who are interested in being a part of this drive and want to talk to the person who has shared his story will be selected and live voice hangout session will be organized with them and the sufferer in it.

  3. People who have suffered depression and are out of it now will also be sending their stories. These people will also be eligible to be a part of core team if we find them serious about this drive.

  4. A thorough counseling session is organized for the person under depression under the guidance of people who are into Psychology, motivation and also survivors of depression.


Every person involved in this drive will be rewarded with Voice Of Steemit tokens, these token can be used to upvote the posts. Along with this the earning of posts which carries the story will also be shared with the person who is telling his/her story.

With this drive we want to see a positive change in the lives of those people, we want to again reassure you all that if you are under depression, then remember one thing, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You have a voice and we will be there with you in this fight.

We are delighted to see this project driven as a token project from Whaleshares community and EOSForums. We thank @officialfuzzy for the opportunity given in driving this noble cause.

We will soon start inviting stories here, so stay tuned to this space for more. If you like the idea of drive do not forget yo

follow(@rideofpassion), upvote and resteem (Very Important to take it wider audience)

Take care

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