[Consensus Day 1] Reception Hosted by EOS (With a Jumbotron ad!)

Top of the morning to you all. I wanted to share a few details about the reception party hosted by EOS. It was a great time to socialize with others at the conference, I ran into a few familiar faces and met a lot of new ones, too!


One thing that is for sure about this new venture of @dantheman's is that there is actually a marketing team. I mean... EOS branded napkins?!? In fact, even the margarita had EOS in it's namesake (It was a great margarita btw)! In fact, a lot of people that had no idea what EOS was were surprised by how well-funded they appear to be. As usual, there were skeptics, interested folks, and pissed off people. I suppose that some can't separate investments from emotions.

One guy kept asking me "Why can't you just build it on Litecoin!??! Why do you need a new token?!?" I tried to explain it to him but he ended up running off... seemed kind of manic actually. He also told me that Bitshares and Steem are failed projects, which I found to be funny since they are actually processing more transactions than any other blockchain, today!

There were also a lot of swell people too. I even ran into @zurvanic and had a chat. Good times! Looking forward to chatting with everyone more today.

Cheers, Rob.

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