🚀 EOS - Dawn Update & Presenting at London Blockchain Live 🚀

Today is EOS’ BIG DAY! It presents at the London Blockchain Live Conference.

You can already see an impact on EOSIO searches on Google! 📈

📰 Latest News 📰

Completely New Website

Just go check it out: https://eos.io/.
They changed a lot and added tons of information. They are organising meetups everywhere in the world, updating you on different news as ICO restriction in China and what you need to do if you are a Chinese citizen.

New exchange listing EOS and Steem!

Coinlink will be the country’s first bitcoin exchange run by a Kosdaq-listed company. The company will be listing EOS soon.

Testnet is already developped and running

Some developers have been running it and it does work, they have been able to produce blocks

💰 My Investment case: 💰

Main points:

  • EOS will present on September 20th, in the London Blockchain Live. Since the ICO, one of the Red flag has been that “there is no product”. As soon as D.Larimer will show users and investors that there is a product easy to use and develop on, it should have a strong effect on investor’s sentiment. They released the Testnet Update a few days ago.
  • The world is becoming more familiar with cryptos. The London Blockchain Live conference is attracting thousands of People and will be a great way to advertise EOS’ capabilities. EOS is backed by VCs and Pes funds.
  • Block.one has a strong financial power that can lead to strong partnership with big “mainstream” players. Block.one's CEO Brendan Blumer knows how to present a tech product.
  • EOS price has been under pressure since the beginning of the ICO because people are stating that there are a lot of red flags. I repost the most important sentence of the SGT interview of Joey, co-funder of Bitshares: “The people who say that there is no product yet, Dan has built 2 of them if they think he’s not gonna build the 3rd one, they’re crazy. This is the one he always wanted. The other 2 were just helping him get there.”
  • EOS announced that they would also develop a new Storage Solution based on the Blockchain technology.

Other points:

  • EOS intends to make programming even easier for developers as the actual Solidity language is not the perfect fit
  • Ethereum is too slow to build apps as Steem or BitShares, EOS is designed to be able to host hundreds of these apps. Vitalik Buterin just announced that it would be able to process as much transaction as Visa in 2 years. I just think EOS will reach this milestone faster.
  • On EOS you would be paid for owning tokens (share of the network) that the dapps/companies will use
  • EOS is not subject to mining that is computer intensive and ends up being less decentralized (7 Bitcoin mining pools mine 70,4% of Bitcoin Blocks). No to mention this is ecologically WRONG.
  • D.Larimer announced that his next product will be built on the EOS blockchain. Bitshares already stated that they would move the platform to EOS and Steemit should follow.
  • At $0,65 per token, what do you have to lose? 🍾

The 2 videos about EOS You Can't Afford to Miss!

Related Article:
Why I believe in EOS

New EOS Storage Whitepaper
EOS White paper

Please remember this is my personal opinion and not a financial/investment advice. You need to do your own research to make your own decision. Investing in cryptocurrencies can lead to financial losses.

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