🚀 EOS Preparing to Moon: In Dan I Trust ! ("IDIT" Crypto Movement) 🚀

I am a believer in EOS and I believe it will perform very well soon.

I wanted to share these 2 videos with the community as they represent 3 talented profesionals that are working hard for the EOS project. I believe these 3 are some of the most talented people you'll find in the Crypto World.

Enjoy !

Official Video from EOS.io published on November, 24th

CEO, Brendan Blumer, and CTO, Daniel Larimer, talk how they got started in the blockchain space.

New short video from Eos.io explaining how these 2 amazing creators and developpers discovered Blockchain and what they achieved before coming together to develop EOS.

Blockchain Live presentation

Brock Pierce presenting in London, England on September 20, 2017

20 minutes of video from a genius that obviously thinks ahead. One of the most experienced professional in the Crypto space. He makes a broad analysis on the Blockchain.

He also compares our time to the early internet time when mainstream media did not understand the revolution it will become and used to make fun of this new "useless" technology.

You definitely have to see it !

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