The Cosmic Chalice Pours Out A Couple Drops Into Itself


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The tending of a mind is as a garden, it is
An entity which inherently flourishes with
Many strange blooms and rampant wildness.
Thought, brilliance, conception, genius all grow
Effortlessly from the primordial seeds present within
Idyllic space known as Mind. Mind is much vaster than the
Brain, which is but one organ. In fact, all organs are brains;
All aspects of the body are densified intelligence. When we
Think & feel, which we are ever doing in wake or sleep,
We are carrying out an endless discourse of spirit,
Pondering and plumbing depths of realization
Far greater than we are generally aware.
It is the tapping into this stream
At deeper and more intimate
Degrees that is given
Myriad titles.
Becoming Learned,
Salvation, Nirvana,
Liberation, Realization,
Self-Actualization, Bliss,
Self-Knowledge, Divine Union,
Mystical Attainment, Nonduality,
Transcendence, Mastery, Fulfillment,
Surrender, Epiphany, Understanding,
Brilliance, Genius, Sagaciousness,
Wisdom, Grace, Beauty, Subtlety,
Love, Kinship, Wonder, Ecstasy,
Joy, Serenity, Innerstanding,
Peace, Profundity, Insight,
Vision, Awe, Gratitude,
Breakthrough, Truth,
Refinement, Study,
Vast Achievement,
Wordless Poem,
Silent Song,

The Mind
Reasons thus,
Exuding irrationality of
Enthusiasm. It relishes the
Enmeshing emotion which informs
Its output and ever refills its cup.
It gives thanks beyonds what can be
Described for the spark of being
Which, from alien vicinity
Emanated, brought forth
The grand opportunity
We call our lives.
Ever it comes back to this phrase,
"We call" for only are we crying out,
Questioning, querying, quandering as we
Coin terms which are of copper and greening,
Which become gradually bent from
Shape & distorted in their features
Until the inscriptions mayn't be read
Any longer and they are either discarded or
Regarded with hilarity by the
Modern denizens of whichever world
Which whirls into the future present,
That looks upon these mistruths chuckling,
Buckling with humors which oddly boil
Through dimensions beckoning one
To reflect upon the care taker,
The old woman, the old man,
Who hoes the rows & pulls
The weeds, who counts
The crops & sows the
Seeds, of the odd
Unruly paradise,
The garden of
Our minds.

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By @d-pend,
are free

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