My Wonderful eSteem Journey on Steem Blockchain!!

Congratulations #esteemapp and also dear Sir @good-karma, - for reaching 1000 members on the esteem discord server!! And thanks a lot for the hard work done, by the entire team and also for organizing this beautiful contest..🙏

I feel happy here to say that I have just completed my 250 blogs on steemit and all of them were posted using this awesome eSteem-application.


Yes, my dear Friends.. Here I have used this word Awesome about this most useful and mobile friendly eSteem application, and you will be convinced only after reading this post, how good it is, - to go for this awesome esteem app!! :)

It is truly a very good application, which is being used by a large number of people around the world, who are not very familiar with the laptops or computers, but are having a good android phone in hand, just like me!!.


Being one among the top users of this esteemapp, it is my duty to participate and I am very eager and excited to write about my journey here on steemit, during the last few months, along with this awesome eSteem application.

Though I joined this platform on 5th June 2017, I was silently observing the activities here and was just upvoting and commenting, as per my Son's advice. By 3rd week of July I posted my Intro post #NamastefromIndia and in past 8 months I have posted 250 blogs.

I feel proud here to reveal the truth that I always used only this eSteem app and also all the photos I used for my blogs were original and were taken by myself, using my smartphone Honor!!!. Sounds good isn't it?

Now I must say here how I joined this platform...

I was working for a Nationalized Bank and had taken voluntary retirement, after serving for 20 years and was a home maker since last few years. I loved to write a lot in my childhood and was writing occasionally to some of the news dailies now and then. Have completed writing a book about my Dad and his Artwork, three years ago. So my Son @firepower who had already joined this Steemit.Com. and is doing some good things here, thought that I too would be able to do some good job here. But initially I did not agree with him when he got me this phone. But when I started reading the good articles about health, food, cooking and other things, on steemit, I slowly got interested in reading more and more!. And that's it!!. Finally he succeeded in making me join this beautiful platform, using this awesome application because he was pretty sure that I am not going to love computers!!

How I got benefitted?
As I can carry my phone everywhere, it has helped me to take good photos and to post them under the tag - photography..., using esteem app.

When I am at home, I can work or write from our living room or from my Kitchen!! - with my phone in my hands and my all time favorite esteem app.!!

What I have written so far....??
Yes, my dear Friends... This is very interesting...!!
I think I have covered almost all the topics, from my daily life!!

1. Photography....
These are some of my good clicks from Nature, I used for my blogs!!
To save space here, I am presenting a Collage of photos, which I used for my blogs!







2. About art and painting...
These are some of my art works.
Being a daughter of an artist, I too know a little bit about art, painting and other things!!




3. About my Dad and his Artwork.
I wrote about my Dad and his Artwork, in a series of 12 posts!.



4. Stitching and crocheting...
I love stitching and crocheting, and this is my work...


**5.Health Drinks and juices **
I keep on trying a variety of health drinks and juices on my own!!


6.Foods.(Mainly festival foods)
Hope you have loved my blogs on preparing foods!!


7.Sentiments - About my Grandpa and his family...
I have even written about my Grandpa...


I tried writing poems too..!!

Sentiments and Infinite love are my poems..

9.Animals.(Cats, dogs and cows)
I love animals!!
These are some of the cool pics, on which I used to write my blogs on animals... And I chose to write on creatures too!!




10. Flowers and Medicinal plants.
Have so many of these in my garden!!, and I have written too many blogs with these flowers and plants!






11.Some of the Temples, Churches and praying places...
These are some of the beautiful praying places, I could write about!!




Yes, I never lacked behind in writing fun- blogs!!.

Behind the Bars' , 'Come on Friends, let's Chill out with chillies' and 'Bye Bye my dear Dancing Doll' are some of my Fun - Blogs... :) :)


So this is my Wonderful Journey on Steemit along with my all time favorite - eSteem app, which now has become the part and parcel of my life!!.

All this became possible for me because I had a good android phone in my hand, gifted by my son @firepower with this awesome eSteem application, which really helped me to reach a good reputation in just 8 to 9 months!!

Here I must say that - even after learning how to post from a laptop, I am still using this esteem app for all my work as I've found it very fast, convenient and easy to use! I often use the features like drafts, schedules, transfers, gifs etc, which are much helpful and I am trying to learn the other things, step by step.

So as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I hope you all got convinced, why I am so much grateful to @good-karma and his entire team, for their hard work behind the success of this awesome - eSteem application!! A big salute to you Sir, @good-karma
My sincere thanks to everyone there, including @dunsky, @miniature-tiger and others who are also doing some good job for the progress and success of Steemit and eSteem.....

I must not forget to thank a good hearted-loving soul, my dear Husband Mr. Ramdas Kamath Shevgoor, for the great encouragement and support I am receiving!! Because at times I have ignored his phone calls, and some times I sit for working at odd hours, without bothering to prepare food at home and expecting him to take me out for a dinner, after my busy day with steemit! ;), and for all this, he never minds :) :) ..


Finally a big hug to my dear Son @firepower for buying this phone for me, which has a very good quality' camera and making me join this platform, and guiding me how to use this awesome - eSteem application!!


Thank you all my dear Steemian Friends for the great support and love I am receiving here.... Love you lots guys.... Please Join Steemit, and Steem on using this awesome eSteem Application, which is really a blessing for all Steemians!!...

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