My first #ulog Good morning, let's have a breakfast


I usually share about-me posts, just a bit different because they never start with the 'good morning'. It is a usually less personal format where I share things I like to do, things that make me happy and a lot of online things I want to use or explore.

But, there is also a reality. I have to exist in some real 3D format, somewhere, doing normal things, drinking coffee in the morning... So, what do I do with myself in a morning?

These days I try to get up early so I can use some fresh air if there is any because we live on in the middle of the cement, rocks, and asphalt and even after a cool night the streets are frying hot.

The first thing I do is wobble around the house with my eyes half closed ( because I probably stayed late so binoculars are too tired to serve me), I find a water source and if a spark from an ancient installations doesn't kill me, I pour some fresh cold water to my pets, a friendly cat and an atrocious parrot.

Our kitten is a benevolent descent from a wild feral city cat and I got a parrot from a woman who apprehended the poor bird in a local pet shop. A bird is in short, nuts.

I change cat's water, give her some food and then I try to clear the mess left last night on the table or that morning when my hubby came home either late last night or early this morning. From his job.

A cat is left to roam freely across the apartment, and she doesn't touch any food unless it is specifically hers or if it is a bag of potatoes. She doesn't eat potatoes. She thinks it is a toilet. Further explanation is not necessary.

We sort of trained our cat from when she was a little to eat only the raw meat and cat food, so she treats the human meals literally like ... her poop.

Disclaimer. Cats don't get wild from the raw meat, like dogs, they are already wild, nothing to ruin there...

It is a 100% indoor lap cat that never took a piece of the food from a table or took a single bite without making sure she has a permission. I guess she hates my cooking lol.

When I am done with my domestic predator I leave an animal to her business. Unlike other people, we don't use thick nets or poison to protect our residence from the pest. A cat signed up for that job. She guards all the windows against flies, butterflies, wasps, spiders, crawlers and sometimes even the ants. With the ants we are so-so, but they don't come because we keep the food away.

Our cat is very neat and doesn't make any mess or problems, unlike the parrot who is a complete opposite.

I usually take my breakfast, water, and coffee with me in the study room. A study room is facing small shaded room facing the north, so I have some shade against the strong afternoon sun.

A big parrot's cage is placed between my work desk and a window and additionally shielded with the curtain from the external side. During the night a cage is kept closed in order to keep a bird safe, and most of a day it is open so that a parrot can go outside.

I open the cage, change the water in a feeder and bring a parrot his food. I rarely keep the food inside a cage, because a parrot is very untidy and uses his food as the toys.

I also draw you something interesting.
It is a step by step drawing of a parrot that I made today.
Hope this qualifies as an art.

Step by step
Source - Step by step - my original image on Imgur

Source-my own gallery on Imgur

I usually have some water, coffee, then my odd breakfast and at the end, I pour a dosage of AED all over it. After that calory bomb, I don't need to eat until late in the afternoon.

I usually eat a medium rare steak which I prepare with hot spices ( like the chili and ginger) a day before or a few eggs with a lot of bacon. I take one glass of AED in the morning, every 2-3 days. I suffer from a low blood pressure and every year during the summer I experience limbic and circulatory issues. Caffeine, salt, and AEDs keep me safe from the atrocious headaches and fatigue.

During my breakfast, a parrot usually tries to sleep again but I don't let him so I palm-chase him across the cage and annoy him until he is finally fully awake.
He gets out after that and eats his food next to me. Looks joyful, right? Well, yeah, but I can't touch him.

After I am done with some of my work, I go to the master bedroom to wake up my kid. Before I had to yell and chase her from her bed, now I just switch the light on and rip off her blankets and toss them on another bed.

We rent a huge apartment but we all sleep in one master bedroom.

When we moved in this apartment I instantly set my kid to have a better bedroom – with a big heating furnace, air-conditioning, television, new windows for the better isolation, more beautiful furniture and drapes...

But another room which I prepared and arranged for my kid used to belong to an old lady who died in there, and my kid is terrified to sleep there for the reasons I wish not to list. During the first summer, I had to accompany her to sleep, and soon after she ran from that room and now, after almost a year, she finally uses it for playing.

After my kid packs her school bag, I buy her a breakfast in the bakery and escort her to the school. That rounds up my morning.

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