Let's Check out What The Vegetables Seller Has In His Moto-cart!

Hello Steemit Fellows!

I have written about this subject, months ago when I started My Steemit journey. But I think it's about time to re-write and add some more information.

My Vegetables Ride on Moto-Cart!

592z8bdong.jpg Do you need anything today, Maam?

This Moto-cart owner comes everyday around 11 am to 2 pm and Stops right in front my gate, blowing its horn, turn off the machine and shout "sauurr...sauurr" hehehehe, Instead of "sayur..sayur" which mean vegetables, Jawirio, The Vegetables Seller would said "saur" which mean is a special time to eat in the fasting month, at 3-4 am, before dawn. Yeah... we've been getting close since I knew him last year. Sometimes My Hubby @dipoabasch is changing joke and news with him while I'm selecting things to buy.

e6z2fv2ih2.jpg Jawirio is checking on his cold box, to get a iced (not frozen) whole chicken for me which he will cut it into 16 pieces as requested

Well.. you can see what's he has in his cart, right? but let's get a little closer, not to everything.. but something not usual for people who doesn't live in Indonesia. Here is a masterpiece original from Indonesia and already well-known in the world.

ll2nid5b3z.jpg Tempe in Plastic sheet

# Tempe

I made a little research on Steemit to seek for information about Tempe and I found more than 30 articles about it. How to make Tempe, The history of tempe, The philosophy and many recipes how to cook delicious food with Tempe as the based or main ingredient. But, Wikipedia, historia and other external blogs still my best refferences, though. Check this out Tempe. According to Indonesia National Standar issued on October 9th, 2009, SNI: 3144:2009, Tempe is products obtained from fermentation of soybean seeds using rhizopus sp, a compact solid, slightly grayish white color and distinctive smell of tempe.

il5aqcm0eg.jpg Tempe in banana leaf

Let me tell you a bit about Tempe that I've read from some sources. Tempe has been mentioned in the spiritual journal book called Serat Centhini, which is re-arranged by R Ng Ronggosutrasno in 1814, but the word for soybean already mentioned in another book entitled Serat Sri Tanjung created in 12-13 century. Well, paper was not availaible that time, people might write the verses on palmyra leaves. There's no spesific history about who made the first Tempe in the world, but during the Japanese occupation, Tempe become popular as the main food to prevent malnutrition.

The Dutch has introduced Tempe to Europe in 1946. Japan knew about it in 1952 then America in 1958 after an Indonesian Researcher made a scientific research about tempe for the first time, his name is Yap Bwee Hwa.

Do you want me to write about how to produce Tempe? Uhmm.. I've never made this one before, so you'd better find the information about how to make it by yourself, though I knew the principal of making it in my mind just now too, LOL. all you need is Soybean, water, special mold like Rhizopus Sp, and plastic or banana leaf.

There are many type of tempe in Indonesia, we even create tempe made of cassava leaves. The most common tempe is made from soybean, but there is Tempe made from Tofu dregs called Tempe Gembus, made from coconut's pulp called Tempe Bongkrek, made from Lupin Peanut called Tempe Lupin, etc. So, soybean is not the only main ingredients to make Tempe.

How does it taste? can you eat it without further processing? Yeap, you can eat the raw Tempe if you like it, it delicious because the soybean was boiled before it fermented. I have 12 Nephews and Nieces, all of them like to eat raw tempe while I cut it into small pieces before frying it to make "sambal goreng tempe" or fried tempe in sweet sauce.


70phblm2bz.jpg This is Red Oncom, Not Tempe

Oncom is origin to West Java, there are two types of Oncom, Red and Black. The process to make Oncom is a bit different from tempe, the red oncom made from tofu's pulp, mold and tapioca flour. If Tempe ready to consume after 2 days of fermentation in a wrapper and covered by white mold, Red Oncom is kept unwrapped and ready to consume when its covered by the orange mold. well.. I've never seen the Black Oncom, yet. Nobody eat Raw Oncom, it must be fried or roasted before being cooked into some delicious food (Nasi Tutug Oncom is the only food made with oncom I've ever ate)

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Let's Check another Special things in Indonesia. Do you Know Kerupuk? uhm.. some kind of crackers. Kerupuk is food made from tapioca flour dough mixed with shrimp or fish lard, after steamed, cut into thin pieces or molded with molding tools then dried in order to fry easily.

hv5itmq1iy.jpg kerupuk 10 cents each, so if you saw my payout, all I can afford with that is only Kerupuk!

That's all for today, let me know if you want to know more about what else that Jawirio provides in His Moto-cart. Thank you for stopping by. Have a happy week and Keep Steem-it On!


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