Beware if your wife is a steemit-lover - bilingual -

Saleum Steemians!

I don't mean to bad-mouthing my @cicisaja, but what can I do if she spent more time on steemit than me in her times out? No offense my dear, you know how much I love you.


Gak niat ngomongin si Cici, tapi apa yg bisa saya lakukan kalau dia lebih sering ngabisin waktu ber-steemit daripada gangguin saya saat istirahat? __jan marah, cint! __

We went to buy something, yesterday. Actually, we just need 5 minutes round-trip, but she's holding my smartphone, and we finally managed to get home by 40 minutes, lol. Even though we've had walked around the streets many times, but she'd kept taking more and more pictures on the same objects.


kami pergi membeli sesuatu kemarin. Sebetulnya cuma butuh 5 menit pulang-pergi, tapi dia yg pegang hpnya dan akhirnya baru sampai rumah setelah 40 menit, hahahaha. Padahal sering lewat situ, tapi si cici tetap motret dan motret obyek yg sama berulang kali.

I know that her favourite object is me! Despite the fact that she has seen me 24/7, she has my pics more than Plumeria. Lucky me, she won't post my pictures without any further permission from me. She will show me first before post it on fb or steemit. I will not be ever ever out of stock on pictures to add because of her.


saya tahu kalau obyek foto kesukaannya adalah saya! Walaupun dia lihat saya 24/7 tapi dia punya foto saya lebih banyak daripada foto bunga Kamboja kesukaannya (saingan saya masih si kimmy dan Daud, keponakannya). Saya beruntung karena cici gak akan tayang-sebar foto saya tanpa izin dulu. Biasanya ditunjukkan ke saya baru dia tayang-sebar di fb atau steemit, saya jadi nggak bakalan kehabisan stok foto karena istri saya itu.


Yes, wifi hot-spot is the biggest data usage this month, believing half of the amount is used on access to steemit too, it is amazing! Am I complaining? Not at all. Even if she's spending her time out or Internet datas on steemit, she is always serves me my coffee right in time, she's done her other favourite things and obligations such as praying, cooking, reading, Qur'an reciting, baking and taking cares of her parents by phone. I would like to thank her for everything she did. I think I can't manage my steemit account without her too.

Ya, penggunaan kuota data Internet terbesar adalah utk wifi hot-spot, tapi separuh dari data itu digunakan untuk mengakses steemit juga yg bikin saya takjub. Apakah saya sedang mengeluh, oh sama sekali tidak. Meskipun cici menghabiskan banyak waktu dan kuota untuk steemit, bikin kopi gak pernah telat. Belum lagi ngerjain hal-hal lain yg disukainya seperti shalat, masak, membaca, mengaji, bikin kue dan WA dgn ortunya (ortu cici di Lhokseumawe). Saya berterima kasih atas semua yang dilakukannya, saya mungkin gak bisa urus akun steemit tanpa istri saya.


Whilst busy working with soil and plants, I know that she's sitting down behind me and interviewed me what to types for this post. See... Can't hide anything from her!

lagi sibuk ngurusin taman, saya bisa lihat dia duduk di belakang saya dan tanya apa yg harus diketiknya utk postingan ini. Tuuh.. Mana ada yg bisa dirahasiakan dari istri saya ini!


"hold on, luv.. I'll take a picture to post on steemit, stay still!" she said and I am freezing for a moment then. "bentar, cint.. Ambil foto buat steemit dulu, jgn bergerak!" katanya dan saya bergeming selama bbrp saat.

If you have a wife like mine, be sure that you love her more than you love yourself, so even she shared her loves to steemit but she'll loves you more.

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