Original Pictorial details of how I do my own outstanding rabbit barbeque (Step by step)

Hello everyone, how are you doing today. It a new month of June. I pray that all what we prayed and requested for in the past Months will be ours. Amen. Back to steemit, I am here to share my knowledge and I hope you will all gain one thing or the other through my rabbit barbeque presentation. (Step by Step)
Like you already know I am farmer and I'm very proud of my work and what I do. Today, 24/June /2018. It a great day. So I want to share with you how I do my rabbit barbeque.


Step 1.

I went to the rabbit pen or you can call it rabbit cage, it allowed. I took one of the fattening rabbit (A Buck) I actually have a reason behind Me taking the buck rabbit, I took buck rabbit because it already grown old and very big. I categorize it as the biggest and if I want t sell it it will cost #8000 or more. ($22.22). So here we go. After the sampling and picking of the rabbit.


(My rabbit cage, while selecting for rabbit to slaughter

(I choose this big rabbit at the end of my selection)

Step 2.
I slaughtered it . How? I put the back leg down and laid the rabbit on the floor and holding the front legs at the same time. You have to be superactive while doing this because it will try to struggle and release itself from your leg and hand. Then I slaughtered the neck at the same time. I will teach you this some day, but now let face the business. After I slaughtered it I poured water to wash it blood for few seconds.
I put on my gas cooker and roast the rabbit fur for close to 20mintues. After I am done. I washed the rabbit skin with water rushing in the tap thoroughly. So after this step. I started disetting the rabbit into pieces. My required meat size. It depends on individual discretion


(This is me doing the roasting of the rabbit fur to make it look more palatable and eatable)

(it is done, I'm done with the roasting of the rabbit fur. Doesnt it looks so Palatable ?)


Step 3.
After I made the rabbit meat in pieces. I washed the meat thoroughly the second time for the fear of small Stones, so after wishing. I poured the rabbit meat into a clean pot already on the cooking gas. I added salt, maggi, onions,seasonings. So I boiled for 4minutes and bring it down and later poured it into the sieve to drain it ,drain the water from the rabbit meat .


(The rabbit been disetted by me after washing thoroughly for the first time)

(The intestine still intact.)



(boiling of the rabbit meat commences for few minutes.)

(Alreading draining the water from the rabbit meat.)

Step 4.
I bought pepper from the market for the barbeque, so I blended the pepper and poured it into the same pot I used for boiling the rabbit meat. I poured little bit f vegetable oil,blended pepper,cut onions, little bit of maggi, seasonings, I put nutmeg, ginger. I stired for few minutes. After I saw the aroma coming with full force, lol. I added the left boiled rabbit disetted meat in the sieve into the already cooking pepper sauce with huge great flavour. I continued to stir for 10minutes for the sauce to enter the meat very well.






Step 5.
I bring the rabbit barbeque down from the fire and leave it to cool down a bit. Then I packed it into my takeaway pack. Ready for home delivery.




What are the benefits of rabbit meat? 2 reasons that will make you eat at least once a week no doubt, trust me.

1.food very useful and ideal for pregnant women: pregnant women Need a healthy food and quick to digest and rich in nutrients and rabbits meat is said to be very rich in with vitamins, proteins and minerals also the fibers are easy to digest and chewing and with a good taste so it's considered to be a very an important food for pregnant women and children as well.

2.The elimination of obesity and slimming :We mentioned that rabbit meat contain a high proportion ratio of protein and very low and low-fat ratio compared to other types of meat (beef,pork, etc , proteins, of course, a very important vital processes in the body and one kilogram of it contains 350 calories and is thus less types of meat in proportion calories that provide the body with so rabbits meats are a good source of protein for people who are obese and want to lose weight.
I hope you have learnt something new. You have added to your knowledge.

Thanks for reading


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