Random Short Story: Zucchini and The Green Meanies


This is the story of Grace and Alexander’s first-class adventure.

“Let’s play hide and seek!” bellowed Grace.

“Sure thing, and then with remote controlled cars!” whooped Alexander.

“Will the Football Competition be fabby?” puzzled Grace.

“No, it will be smashing!” cheered Alexander.

As the two kids were playing, they suddenly heard screams of terror and confusion.

"What happened?" asked Alexander.

“People are getting stuck in sticky tape!” gasped Grace.

“That’s not lovely!” howled Alexander.

“Arr, this is freaky!” said Grace.

“Is this really happening?” quizzed Alexander.

“Darn, how can we solve this quandary?” inquired Grace.

“Don’t know,” answered Alexander.

While they were thinking, stranger things keeps popping out. Among them the appearance of a strange baboon!

“I cannot believe how strange that baboon is!” exclaimed Grace.

“Me neither!” squealed Alexander.

After a piercing clang, a fairy sprang out of the baboon.


“It’s me, Zucchini the snack fairy!” bellowed the fairy.

“Ever since Captain Blunder and the green meanies nabbed my magic zucchini stick there have been creepy things happening!” cried Zucchini.

The kids were amazed and excited by this sudden development. They are still in daze when the fairy Zucchini spoke again.

“The green meanies have some new sly shenanigans!” whined Zucchini.

“Those icky green meanies! They are in disguise and wearing everyone’s hats!” sighed Zucchini.

Suddenly... the green meanies appeared and taunt Zucchini!

“Zucchini is such an absurd dummy she can’t even bag a potato! Cackle!” said one of the green meanies.

“The green meanies have Zucchini's magic zucchini stick over there!” shouted Grace.


While the green meanies are taunting Zucchini, Grace and Alexander had a brainstorm. They remembered that some performers are practicing with a trap spring board earlier. If they can lure the green meanies there then they can retrieve the magical zucchini stick and save the football competetion!

The kids then starts taunting the green meanies and ran towards the trap. Not being too smart, the grean meanies chased after them. The two kids then stopped and waits for the green meanies to catch up.

The green meanies stood on the trap spring board and were flung away. In there panic they'd let go of the magic zucchini stick and it flew back into Zucchini the snack fairy’s hands.

“Whoopee, the Football Competition is saved now!” whooped Zucchini.

“Wow! The Football Competition will no longer be trashed thanks to you two!” yelled Zucchini the snack fairy.

“Captain Blunder and those mean green meanies can only wonder how tremendous the Football Competition will be!” bellowed Alexander.

A terrific time was had by everyone with the party kangaroo at the Football Competition.

The End.


Image source: Pixabay1 2 3




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