The title there likely has your mind racing into all kinds of dark places. Well this post will be a little dark as I am going to talk about some of my early preconceptions and how I am growing to believe I was wrong. I put far too much faith in the mental abilities of my fellow human beings at an early time. I thought that common sense would prevail. In other words, at the time I considered things like human sacrifice, satanism, etc as topics I was actually basing my opinions and conclusions on a far too optimistic view of my fellow humans.
As some of you know I was a metal head growing up. I was a metal head in a town full of cowboys who loved to come up to the long haired guy and talk crap. It was during the time when Geraldo Rivera was pushing the Beware Devil Worshippers type of documentaries that warned parents and people what to look for. It caused my mother to give me more than one side long glance. You see many of those warning signs for a Satanist I was smack in the middle of. I loved my heavy metal music, I had long hair, I drew symbols for band names on my notebooks, I had patches for bands on my jacket, and I was an outsider. What I wasn't was a drug user. I had plenty of opportunity and in fact my parents were alcoholics, and smoked marijuana. I did one month of trying things when I was around 16 and decided it was "not for me" and I haven't touched it since. Though I got called a druggy many times even though I was not. I haven't touched alcohol since that month long period unless you count the parts that are ingredients in the rare cold medicines I've had to take in my life, or that people cooked with.
I was the one that would walk down the sidewalk and happen to pass a Catholic Priest and he would turn his head away from me and stick his nose in the air as a sign of contempt. I was the one who got written up by a police officer for looking suspicious because I was walking down the sidewalk down town by businesses as I had done many times.
I grew to despise religion. I also did what I do with things I consider my enemy. I analyzed them and voraciously consumed information about them. I read any bible I could get my hands on. I read tons of new age books. I spoke to ANYONE who was willing to talk to me and that included priests if they would give me the time of day. I actually enjoyed the look of dismay that would enter their face when they realized all of their preconceived notions about me were false. I also was early in my life and I still enjoyed what I called a "mind fuck" for lack of better words. I got off on messing with people's minds. I grew out of that within about 5 years. It is not something I particularly enjoy at all in this stage of my life. I seek to clarify and transfer and receive ideas now. Back then I just enjoyed the mental jousting and messing with people.
Eventually my life would lead me to read Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible which I've written before had a compelling first and possibly second essay, and the rest was simply Enochian stuff mixed in with clear appeals to sell and make money. Or so I thought. I also read the the Necronomicon which I thought was quite a bit darker than the Satanic Bible. That's why when some people would cringe at seeing a Satanic Bible on a bookstore shelf when they were with me I'd say something like, "That is nothing. The Necronomicon puts that to shame, plus you kind of have to be a Christian before you can be a Satanist as they are opposites within the same religion. Someone just chooses the DARK SIDE."
I had a close friend who would claim to be a Satanist. I saw it as a power trip. It would give some intimidation power over other people. He also did get some of that "bad guy" feminine attraction that seems to happen. People like the taboo and that does not seem to stop with females. So yes, he had far more female companions than I did. Yet, I'd just chuckle and shake my head. I always saw it as a gimic for him, and I could see through it.
At that time I figured as far as the truly evil Human Sacrifices and things of that nature that only someone insane would actually engage in that, and I figured insane people could take any topic too far and be motivated by anything. So I considered it a minority that was being over hyped. The rest of the satanist I figured were either idiots or devious bastards like my friend Hans.
I would continue to carry these beliefs for a very long time. In fact, I'd say they are only recently starting to change.
The world as it is today is shattering some of my preconceptions. My preconceptions were built on the foundation that at their heart most people have a pretty good grasp of common sense, and when confronted with a good argument would be able to make a moral, and rational decision. It was due to this that I didn't really see the entire Human Sacrifice, and other things as an issue. I thought sure there would be some of it as there are with all bad things, but it mostly would be over hyped and given far more coverage and thus blow it out of proportion.
I believe now I was wrong.
I do not believe in any revealed/organized religions, but I do believe there is evil. I don't tie any religious values to that. For me evil comes in the form of FORCING your will upon another. That can be lesser evils of removing choice, to larger evils of assault, rape, murder, etc. Those are all degrees of force against another. Whether lesser or greater it is still evil.
What is Deism? - Only shared as it is closer to what I actually am if you are curious.
I have watched Antifa, I've watched feminist marches endorsing and supporting some of the most anti-feminist ideologies on the planet, I've watched common sense be exploded into little pieces, I've watched rational thought be tossed aside in favor of feelings and emotion, and the dreamy fairy tale scales have begun to fall from my eyes.
For me I needed a motive for why people would embrace things like Human Sacrifice, Pedophilia, etc. It didn't make much sense to me personally why a mass group of people would engage in such things. I also fell prey to my own mental appeals that others will fall prey to on similar or different topics. I thought if it was wide spread and pervasive that people would not be able to conceal it and we would know about it.
I know of things like Bohemian Grove, Moloch, and many other things. Yet they did not alter my mental narrative. To me they were outliers they were possible exceptions, but exceptions do not define the norm.
Until they came after Ben Swann. That was the stone that began the collapse of my ancient mental barrier, the stone that when pulled began to crumble that foundation of some of my preconceived beliefs.
For those that may not have read my numerous posts on Ben Swann. He is perhaps my favorite journalist. He just presented information and told people to make up their own mind. He tried to keep bias and opinion out of it. He would touch upon many controversial subjects, and he'd even get respected enough that he was permitted to interview Obama once while Obama was president. In January he did a Reality Check piece on Atlanta's CBS 46 about pizzagate. He didn't say it was real he just said there was enough compelling information that could be circumstantial but by the FBI's own manual on Pedophilia warranted at least an investigation. You see it was being called "fake" yet no investigation had actually been done. They said it was not real without even looking into it. Ben Swann in his just over 6 minute video suggested there at least should be an investigation to see if there was anything to it. He didn't say it was true or not true, just that it should be at least investigated. He was purged from the internet. His site, password locked, years of youtube, gone, twitter, gone, facebook, gone. A once pervasive, prolific, and brave journalist who challenged big pharma, and others was gone...
This made me sit back and look. I believe they refer to this as the Streisand Effect. What was so major about pizzagate that they would destroy Ben Swann over saying that it warranted an investigation? I'd learn he wasn't the only one. Prior to this I gave Pizzagate very little thought. After that I started paying attention.
Why didn't I give it much thought? The same reasons I gave you above. I figured a few people would be doing it, but it wouldn't be pervasive. If it were pervasive they would be easily caught.
This has shifted. I found what I was lacking. Motive. A motive that made sense and allowed me to begin constructing a new foundation for my worldview. Sadly this new worldview is much darker, and much less optimistic about the mental capabilities of my fellow humans.
You see we know about blackmail. We know that in the past the FBI (especially J. Edgar Hoover) would keep files and use blackmail material to influence people. This could be embezzlement, having an affair, etc. Those were considered way too scandalous and people would be "ruined" if they were exposed. Those things are shrug worthy today. An affair? They have TV series based on such topics, it is considered rather status quo by some. I don't endorse it, and it is what ended my first marriage (not due to my actions). My wife I married later and am with now and intend to remain with forever had similar experiences happen to her in her first marriage. We both despise adultery.
Yet, we apparently are not necessarily the status quo.
This means such topics offer very little leverage.
What would?
If you had a powerful mover and shaker group that people really want to be part of because they know they'll be set for life if they can be part of it, what might you be able to get them to do in order to join it?
If that thing was so horrible that the fact you had documentation of the event, would that keep their lips sealed? Would they willingly expose pedophilia? Some have, and were ridiculed as not credible. Were they credible, but just able to shut them up?
The allegations have gone beyond just simple pedophilia. There are hints of a global spanning ELITE that not only engage in pedophilia, but potentially everything from human sacrifice, to cannibalism as well.
Once you are beyond these doors and members of these groups are these EVENTS and evidence of your participation severe enough to keep you silent? I think for most people they might be.
Now let's consider the idea that this potentially has been occurring for some time. How far in the reaches of power will it's tendrils have spread? If you get into the IN CROWD and you become judges, CEOs, power attorneys, politicians, Senators, Congressmen, Presidents, etc. If an occasional whistle blower does step forward is damage control truly that difficult to handle?
Most of media is owned by six corporations. If the story is not given coverage that is step one. If someone leaks it then those six corporations can put their media conglomerates to work discrediting and destroying that persons credibility by whatever means necessary. Some of them could be killed, suicided, disappeared, etc.
It begins to seem plausible that something like this could be real, and could remain hidden. As you look deeper and deeper at the leaks over the decades, and at the actions it even starts to seem probable.
So why would Pizzagate receive the reaction it did? Why would it be used to completely obliterate the existence of some people? Especially people who had challenged huge entities before with very controversial or conspiratorial topics.
It appears it may be one of the big secrets that if revealed would implicate far too many powerful people. It would be the end of the game of Jinga. It would be the collapse of the house of cards.
I will part by saying I believe religion is irrelevant to most of these people. These malevolent activities transcend all religions. So if you must give them a label of Satanist, Luciferians, Set Worshippers, Hades Servants, Servants of Moloch, Beelzebubbians, or whatever you want to me those labels are irrelevant. The evil acts transcend all such labels and the labels themselves are redundant.
So what now?