100 Year History Challenge - worst fire in Hong Kong history 香港歷史最嚴重的火災

This is the entry of the “100 Year History Challenge” hosted by @sndbox! When I searched the history of the year 1918, I found the most famous should be the end of the World War I. But the World War I didn’t influence China so that much so I finally choose the biggest event that happened in Hong Kong in 1918. It’s the worst fire disaster in the history of Hong Kong: the Happy Valley Racecourse fire.

@sndbox 舉辦了 100 Year History Challenge, 那我當然一定要參加了!我立時翻查了有關100年前,即1918年的歷史,那一年最著名的歷史自然就是第一次世界大戰的結束了,不過這事件對中國的影響沒有太深遠,所以最後,我選了在香港發生的一件大事:香港史上最嚴重的火災,跑馬地馬場大火。

(photo source: Wikipedia)

Modern horse racing came from the Great Britain. We have no doubt that British love horse racing very much. In 1842, Hong Kong Island was ceded to Great Britain. 4 years after, they had built the first racecourse in Happy Valley of Hong Kong! The name “Happy Valley” doesn’t mean we are happy with horse racing. When the British soldiers first came Hong Kong, they couldn’t adapt to the hot and wet climate. Many of them died because of malaria. They were buried in a valley. As catholic believe death is resting in peace. They are happy to come back to God. So the valley was named “Happy Valley”.

現代賽馬活動源於英國,英國人對賽馬的熱愛應該都是全球之最了,香港島於1842年正式割讓給英國,4年後的1846年,英國人就已建了跑馬地馬場。跑馬地英文名稱是「Happy Valley」,原因並不是因為這裡有賽馬很happy,而是因為這裡是英兵的墳場,當年很多英國士兵來到香港,因不適應香港的濕熱天氣,很多都患上瘧疾死亡,他們都葬在跑馬場,那時的天主教認為這是安息,是快活,就將這個地方命名為「快活谷」,亦即Happy Valley。

Happy Valley 跑馬場, 1873 (photo source: Wikipedia)

Later, the British were eager to build a racecourse in Hong Kong and they chose the Happy Valley. The sports event gradually attracted a lot of non-British and Chinese wealthy people to join. At the time, there was only one racing event in a year. So every year during the race, it attracted thousands of people the join. To cope with the large amount of audiences, the racecourse used bamboo and wood to build sheds with two floors high for Chinese and non-British. The area below the sheds was kitchen and food stalls.


The sheds 當年的馬棚 (photo source: Wikipedia)

And it was the VIP seats for the British 這則是英國人的貴賓席
(photo source: Wikipedia)

On the 26th Feb 1918, the 3rd race, a shed couldn’t stand for the weight of the audiences and collapsed. Many people directly dropped to the stoves and boiled oil. Some were crushed by the falling shed. At the same time, the collapsed shed soon got fire and then the sheds beside…Many audiences were burnt to death…


(photo source: Wikipedia)

When the firemen came, they could do nothing. What they could do was just to pick the dead bodies. The number of death was 600. As too many people died, the government could just find a mass grave to bury all of them. 4 years later, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals finally succeeded to fight for a permanent cemetery for them, which is the Mount Caroline Cemetery at So Kon Po today.


the Mount Caroline Cemetery (photo source: Tung Wah Group of Hispotails)

The horse racing of Happy Valley is still one of the hottest event in Hong Kong despite of the tragedy. Today, together with the Sha Tin racecourse, Hong Kong is organizing one of the most famous international horse racing event in the world. And the Happy Valley is now also one of the most expensive district in Hong Kong…

Happy Valley racecourse today (photo source: Wikipedia)

Happy Valley today (photo source: Wikipedia)

Next time when you visit Hong Kong, try your luck and join the horse racing!


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