The birth of DPOS Blockchain religion and the unfairness of everything.


Being on Steem have taught me more about human behaviour than I could have learned in a lifetime in the 'real' world.

To have seen a system like the Steem blockchain grow up from its infancy to where it is now I have literary seen it all.

I have seen people say and do things I could never have even imagined.

But it mostly comes down to this:

Nothing is ever fair.

Here are some examples of this concept:

  1. Whales have a lot of stake and I have not, this is unfair.

  2. My post make no money and this person makes money, this is unfair.

  3. If you don't have the @freedom vote you can never be a top 20 witness, this is unfair.

  4. I want to play Steem Monsters but I can only play it if I pay for it, this is unfair.

  5. I used to make rewards on my blog, but not anymore, this is unfair.

  6. Steemit inc. is a private company with a lot of Stake that they mined when they created the blockchain, this is unfair.

  7. I get downvoted, this is unfair.

  8. I was given delegation by someone and now they have pulled it, this is unfair.

I can go on but I guess it's pretty clear where I'm coming from.

I think I also have muted most people that have this mindset and it makes for a more pleasurable Steem experience in general.

Being around or seeing people with a negative mindset on a daily basis will never move you forward in life.

I want to build my life for the better and I want to breath positivity.

Now luckily for us most people on Steem are very awesome people.

I know this because I have met these people on Steemfest and also in meet ups.

Very upbeat people, that just get on with it. Find way to make it work. Find ways to enjoy their Steem experience.

They create, they build and try to move the Steem Blockchain forward every day.

These are the people I like and want to be around.

Not only in 'real' life, but also on the blockchain.

But with recent events has come the arrival of a new type of Steemian.

The DPOS religion believer (I need to work on a better name, suggestions welcome).

With DPOS (delegated proof of stake) being around for more than a couple of years now there are people out there that now feel that they have a much better understanding about the governance of DPOS than anybody else and only their view is the correct one.

They are now ready to voice their opinions far and wide. Lessons they not even learned on the Steem Blockchain, because they don't spend much time here, but on the EOS blockchain.

And it's a sight to behold.

One of their major beefs with the Steem Blockchain is the behaviour and stake of Steemit inc. and the way they go about things.

"They will claim that everything Steemit inc. does is bad. They communicate to little, bad. They communicate too much, bad. They must power down their stake to distribute the currency, bad. They shouldn't power down to distribute the currency, bad. @ned should step down as CEO, bad. @ned should appoint another CEO, bad etc..etc.."

But what mostly rubs them the wrong way is the large stake that Steemit inc. has.

In their hearts they can't wait to freeze those accounts or get some sort of control over it to make for a 'in their minds' better blockchain fast enough.

Here's the view of a witness that was recently kicked out of the top 20 to explain what I mean:

My perspective today: Steem at this point is corrupted by the "unaccountable actor" and the premine it performed years ago. Those who still believe in Steemit Inc won't believe this - at least not yet, but that doesn't mean it's not true. A centralized actor is in control of this blockchain. Not only a centralized actor, but arguably a malicious one who does not listen to reason, ever admit fault, persists down unproductive paths, makes rash decisions without thinking them through, acts superior despite consistent failures, and also attacks the decentralized community that makes it all possible. All while there's nothing you or I can do to hold them accountable for this behavior.

So, if you still believe in Steemit inc. you automatically wrong and Steemit inc. apparently is also a potential malicious actor that is bad.

Then it get's worse:

Ask yourself, is this what you want in a system like Steem? If you're just here for the rewards, you probably don't care where it comes from. More power to ya for that, keep up your hustle. If you're here for the same reasons I am: the ideas a blockchain represents, a fundamental shift in how we can communicate and trust one another without third parties, I would hope this matters to you. There is plenty of innovation happening in this space right now, it's just unfortunate it's not here.

If you are here to make money and make something of your account you are bad. If you are here for MY REASONS you are good.

Seriously fuck off.

I don't share these sentiments at all.

For one, because we are on a blockchain I already know I can trust transactions without a third party. I trusted these transactions since I discovered bitcoin in 2013 and with Steem I have trusted them for over 2,5 years.

Second, I have zero problems with Steemit inc. having a large stake. They build this blockchain and without them this blockchain would not even be here. They are entitled to a large portion of it in the form of their stake. And remember, they can only sell it once. They can't print more STEEM after it's sold.

Also, nobody was forced to come to this blockchain to build on top of it. Everyone that is on Steem came here on their own accord. Nobody was forced to invest either. I did and many did and I don't regret it for one second.

Steemit inc. is also the only entity that are currently building the blockchain itself and I want them to be around. Yes, they make mistakes, so do I, but they have delivered HF20, Resource credits, Account Credits and Hivemind. Right now they have a simple clear roadmap of cost reduction and decentralisation of the blockchain and a bag full of lessons learned.

To call them Malicious is simply ludicrous. They make it sound like Steemit inc. have only one goal left now to destroy what they have build with their own hands. It makes no sense.

End note

I wanted to write this post because I want to make it clear that I look at this blockchain completely different.

It's the blockchain of opportunity and anybody that sees opportunity here has a chance to make something of their account.

In the last 2,5 years I have seen this blockchain transform like nothing else by people that saw this opportunity and it all happened organically and it's something to be extremely proud of.

We have more apps and tools on this blockchain than ever before and they were all build by people that weren't force to do so.

With HF20, Hivemind and the account and resource credit system implemented by Steemit inc. the Steem blockchain is now more ready for growth and to handle this growth than ever before.

This blockchain is constantly changing and transforming while it's finding it's way in the ecosystem. I love it. I can deal with it very well and I have no problem adjusting to it.

Therefor, when you consider voting for witnesses and projects in the future. I would suggest you vote for the people that are 100% dedicated to Steem because so much is happening on here it's a daily task to keep up.

Vote for the people that show up everyday and put in the work to make the blockchain grow and stronger, stay away from people that believe everything is unfair, they will just kill your mood, and keep learning, building and having fun every single day.

Have a great Sunday!

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

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