If Facebook worked like Steemit, how much would you have made so far?

If Facebook worked like Steemit, how much would you have made so far? 

I came up with three sets of estimates, and you can e-mail me at pjcillie at transkaroocommunications dot com to see all the calculations in Excel.

LOW ESTIMATE: $339.95 once-off, $9.55 per year

CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE: $1 359.78 once-off, $38.18 per year

REALISTIC ESTIMATE: $1 359.78 once-off, $157,72 per year

HIGH ESTIMATE: $5 439.12 once-off, $610.88 per year


If you are a Steemit user, the same level of engagement that you exercise on Steemit, if you were to engage that way on Facebook, would probably rank you in the top 20% of daily users in terms of sharing and posting content, likes, etc.

Now, using the 80/20 principle, that means the top 20% of Facebook users are indirectly (or directly) responsible for 80% of the market cap or net income of the company. With this more realistic calculation, the numbers look pretty impressive (SEE REALISTIC ESTIMATE)

For the high estimate, I do another iteration of the 80/20 principle.


My once-off figures may be exaggerated because arguably the company used a lot of the investments that make up the company's market cap for investments in the company. But then again, people invest in Steemit too right? Would love to know your thoughts! 


My annual figures may be too low because they should include annual revenue (if they operated like Steemit, they wouldn't have all those overheads and other costs). Then you can multiply the annual figures by around 4, because that is the ratio between revenue and net income more or less for the last couple of years according to Facebooks' Annual Financial Statements. What do you think... can't wait to hear your thoughts...


  • https://ycharts.com/companies/FB/market_cap 
  • http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/fb/financials 
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/264810/number-of-monthly-active-facebook-users-worldwide/
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/346167/facebook-global-dau

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