Disparity on Display

Disparity is everywhere.

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Income inequality. Education. Racialism.

These things are separations that can cause a range of emotional reactions. There are smug members of Club "We've Got Ours". Envious onlookers who would do the same if they could. Heartbroken well-intending but ineffective outreachers. Social warriors and slacktivist.

These injustices seem to demand action.

But, alas, it seems there is no end to this problem and no viable solution.

You may have heard, “The poor you will always have with you”, but that is not a pass for inaction. Rather it should be a reminder of the severity of the situation.

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help,
and you will not hear?
Or cry to you “Violence!”
and you will not save?
Why do you make me see iniquity,
and why do you idly look at wrong?
Destruction and violence are before me;
strife and contention arise.
So the law is paralyzed,
and justice never goes forth.
For the wicked surround the righteous;
so justice goes forth perverted.

The situation is dire indeed.

We, especially we here in this online community, have access to something unparalleled in history.

From the Steem White Paper:

Steem is designed to enable effective micropayments for all kinds of contribution by
changing the economic equation. Readers no longer have to decide whether or not they
want to pay someone from their own pocket, instead they can vote content up or down and
Steem will use their votes to determine individual rewards. This means that people are given
a familiar and widely used interface and no longer face the cognitive, financial, and
opportunity costs associated traditional micropayment and tipping platforms.

This change in the economic equation cannot be overemphasized.

This is world changing!

And yet, that doesn’t mean it will work or that it will be widely adopted and accepted.

It is not poverty, but discontent, that makes a man unhappy.” - Matthew Henry

Although I would like to see income more equally available to all peoples, it is not a silver bullet.

We’ve all heard, Mo money, mo problems…

If you are reading this in the United States of America, this article from 2012 explains: “America IS the 1%: You need just $34,000 annual income to be in the global elite... and HALF the world's richest people live in the U.S.”.

That probably means you.

At times it might not seem like it looking around in comparison to others in your area.

But on a global scale thae numbers don’t lie.

You have heard it said, “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”.

Brothers and sisters, my fellow steemians, I assert that we are that rich man.

And if we are unhappy because we are discontent, we are the cause.

But what are we to do?

Although, I wouldn’t say to do nothing, I would say fret and fear not.

The Lord's Answer
“Look among the nations, and see;
wonder and be astounded.
For I am doing a work in your days
that you would not believe if told.

The Lord is at work my friends.

Christ saves.

And I invite you to learn more about Jesus and to consider him thoughtfully.

Explore and search the Scriptures.

Read The Bible with an open mind.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

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