
When I was about 8 or 9 my mother was overseas and my paternal grandmother decided that it was high time my father prepare me for that unspeakable part of womanhood. I was blissfully unaware and still playing with my dolls. I can imagine my red-faced father wandering the daunting aisle of tampons and pads. When he arrived home he thrust a huge parcel in my hands - wrapped in a dozen grocery packets - and beat a hasty retreat. Inside was what I assumed had something to do with an embarrassing part of growing up. I shoved the package to the back of my cupboard and returned to my dolls. Months later my younger brother had a dinosaur project and spent days constructing a life-sized replica. When all the adults had a party my brother proudly brought down his dinosaur to be admired. And to my horror - probably much more my poor fathers horror - this giant dinosaur was well "padded"!!

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Fast forward to my adult years: Those ungainly monthly "surfboards" have trimmed down considerably. But much like the every other aspect of my life, this two is all natural. I have been blessed by a friend who imports the amazing organic Hannahpads. Post-partum however, they almost look like those ghastly childhood "surfboards" except that they are floral and all natural! Having a newborn I had both my post-partum Hannahpads and the amazing cloth nappies (South African term for diapers) of my precious son to wash. My parents-in-law visited their week old grandson. And when it appeared rain was imminent my father-in-law went rushing outside, to check cloud cover I thought. He soon returned waving a handful of freshly washed floral Hannahpads and, with a smile, said "I brought in your nappies".

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When I started this post - or the idea of this post - I was going to offer X-amount of SBD. I thought I would make it a #contest or #challenge. With a monetary prize. But we each have our own special memories of those different wonderful men in our lives to share. Husband. Father. Brother. Grandfather. Uncle. These amusing memories of mine are of special men in my life, Brother @craigcryptoking, Dad @quailbreeder and father-in-law. This is a different type of tribute to the one I posted of a man among men; my Husband whose incredible example I posted about last week:



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