An Evening of Camping With the Family


With daytime temperatures in the 80's and refreshingly cool evenings, my family and I decided to camp on our acreage Saturday night.

With all the trees surrounding our campsite, we have a shady oasis to relax on warm evenings. I keep my bus and another camper on the property, so all we have to do is pack our cooler and head to our spot. The beds, blankets, and cookware are already there.


The boys enjoy some horse play. My younger son, Westyn, enjoyed his first night camping.


My wife took this photo looking out the back screen door of our bus. I am deep in thought as I stare at the fire.



After we had eaten and the sky had grown dark, I kicked up my feet in my lounge chair, sipped a couple cold brewskies, and freed my mind of troubles.


This little fella enjoyed our fire, too.


Illumination from my camera flash reveals a friendly tree frog. They are numerous around here. I enjoy hearing their calls on summer evenings. They are easily caught and fun to have crawl up my arm.


The evening wound down. The boys were asleep in the bus. I was almost asleep in my lounger. My wife was on Facebook!

I have made myself so busy that nights like this are increasingly rare.

But I plan to have the house finished within the next year and begin slowing down more often and enjoying what nature offers. Thanks for reading my post!

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