PUT DOWN THE PHONE! It Will Affect Your Kids.

Simply said..

Put down the phone, get outside be active and educate.

We live in a "push button" age.

Push a button TV goes on, push a button you call someone, push a button your food cooks itself.

Being active it all but forgotten and this is influencing our children.

We live busy lives, so time you have spare plan an adventure, get your children in touch with nature.
Create memories that will last.
Playing XBOX for a day isn't something to remember.. Going on a long bush walk through towering trees, vines hanging, birds chirping is what you'll look back at.

Children need this, they observe new things, they learn, they grow.
Knowledge is power and your teaching them a way of life many forget to enjoy.

So take the time to plan and if need be force yourself to get outside.

I challenge you, your next day off.
Plan something. Start planning now, jump on the computer quickly and search "things to do outdoors around (your area)".

I often do this, makes it even more simple!

So again, I challenge you!

Keep me updated on what you plan and if you actually did it ;)

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