Celebrations with Family πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰

Yesterday was our New Year and we had a wonderful time with the family. The whole day was filled with fun and laughter. Since the last few days I have only been in the celebration mode and overdose of food. I feel like I am getting into a food coma now. Today we again have an invite for lunch and I am already dreading it as when you go to someone's place for a meal you are kind of forced to eat even if you do not wish to.
I tell my friends please invite me but not for food, but they feel it would be rude to do that and at this point of time I want to run away even from the sight of the food.....hehehe.
So coming to yesterday's celebrations, I had my sister come over to meet us and my son Yohan's girlfriend Bhavya came over to be with us for the day. We ordered some authentic Parsee cuisine food from one of our community caterer, as I was in no mood of getting into the kitchen. The food was yummy but again some very heavy stuff.
It was like a set menu, so there was Fish made in a very traditional way, called Patra ni Machi, means Fish covered up in green chutney made of coconut, mint, tamarind and spices, it is wrapped up in banana leaf and then steemed. It is absolutely delicious and mouth watering. Then there was Mutton Pulav and Fried Chicken Kentucky style and a Mutton curry prepared in a base of cashew and coconut. You can imagine what is the state of my tummy and this is not it, at night we went out for dinner again which was another gala meal.

Around evening time we went for a show named "That'z Entertainment", It was a Musical comedy show. Very hilarious and entertaining, 2 hours of non-stop fun and laughter. I remember last August around same time I was in hospital in severe pain and I felt like I was making up for all that lost time. Truly was feeling blessed with so much of love and happiness around me. At the show I got to meet a lot of my friends also. Our's is a very small community so during such time we happen to bump into many known people.

After 2 hours of fun and laughter we then proceeded for dinner. I had planned something grand this time, had booked up a table at one of the finest restaurants in Hotel Taj called Golden Dragon. They have Asian cuisine and it is my Son's favorite. I always like to pamper my kids so when I am with them I like to do things that they enjoy the most.
At the restaurant we ordered our favorite Peking Duck, my family loves this dish though I am not a big fan of it, then we ordered some other prawns and chicken stuff. The ambiance was beautiful, perfect for celebrations.
By the time we reached home we were all wanting to crash immediately.
Such a beautiful time it has been in the last few days with my near and dear ones.

Sharing some pictures from yesterday's celebrations.

Love the energy and vibe of this place. This is the same Taj hotel which was attacked in 2008 and was destroyed very badly but the have come up so finely once again.

The place where we went to see the show, it is called the Opera House. In the olden times around 20 years back this was a cinema hall, in the last few years they renovated the whole space and have now made a Auditorium for Plays, while they have done the renovation they have ensured to keep the old charm of the place. You can see the mix of the new and the old in this place.



Some mouth watering dishes from our yesterday's menu. The fish I mentioned about is also there in the picture.

I always like watching the center piece of different hotels, they are always very unique and add up the show to the entire reception area. This one is also very attractive and eye catching.

Beautiful memories created with the most beautiful people of my life

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ


My other blogs of Interest

"The Full Moon Glory"
Concluding our 10 Days of Angel Feast
"Children should be treated with respect and given their space"
Story about My Life Challenge - #EcoTrain QOTW
"Sublime Sunday #The Weekend Getaway"

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