Our Family – A Learning Ground

When we think about our family, the most important will be our Parents, our Siblings, our children and our extended family members who all come in our life without any choice except for our spouse. You cannot hold anyone responsible for bringing them in your life, they all are a part of your life blue-print and brought together for you with a reason, and the reason is for you to Learn and grow....

Now when it comes to the family, there are lot of things that you will not agree with, you will not support or maybe you even hate it, but does that mean you will leave your family and have your own ways, if that would be the case then there would be no system as a family in the world, everyone will have their own ways and living individually by themselves. You stick to your family no matter what comes through from each other, irrespective of each one stepping on other’s toes. Hence Family becomes one most important Learning Ground for us, or a playground for us, where we kind of try to understand each player in the team and to an extent have a work around them. Specially the cycle between parents and children, when children are young they feel parents don’t understand them, when they grow up and become parents then they feel the same children don’t understand them and vice versa, so it’s a vicious circle. Our likes, dislikes, behaviors, habits, thinking capabilities all change with each phase of life...

Family is like a Honey comb, all connected to each other, whether we like it or we don’t like it but we have to stick together with each other, now a days with the change in culture we do work out on easy ways and that’s separating from each other, but then too you will have to be with each other for a certain period of time. Now in this time you would want to live bitterly or will want to give a helping hand to each other and grow as a person it all depends on you. You have to consciously merge with the energies of people in your family rather than doing the blame game “Oh I can’t do anything about her/ him, He/She always behaves like this” or “I don’t think ever he/she can change”. This kind of behavior from your end also to an extent shows your rigidity in adapting to situations and people. If you joyfully decide to go with the flow of energies around you in the form of people life will get much peaceful.

Understand how the other person’s behavior is impacting you, what is it that you can learn, how’s it that you can stop reacting to certain behavior. Family habits can help you raise your own awareness and help you become more conscious, helps you transcend and grow in life. A bitter experience in family will have different impact on oneself, one can be the person becomes extra sensitive towards people and situations around or other can be the person becomes as bitter as the experience gone through. The later one will happen when there is no conscious living and everything becomes a sort of revenge, I got this for myself so I will give the same back in return to people.

Even the nature has different seasons, all days are not sunny, some will be cloudy, some rainy. But that does not make mother earth bitter. So are the days with family members, some will be bright and some gloomy but that doesn’t make the family bad. It’s all a part of learning and growing with each other. If everything has to go just the way you wanted and everyone will agree to you with what you want, life will be so boring and there will be absolutely no growth.

We will have to be with our family members without any choice at times, but what we will make out of these relations is completely our choice. A Caterpillar is ugly but when it radically goes through the transformation to Butterfly, then it seems to be the most wonderful creation on earth. Such is life and the process of Spiritual Transformation

Our Family is one of the ladder to our Spiritual Growth, and being a part of the ugly does not define Spiritual process, but the journey from ugliness to beauty is the ultimate Spiritual process.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

Picture is self taken

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