We are officially overdue....Again!

For those following my blog, you know our house in on baby-watch. April 8th was my wife's official due date and have just rolled past midnight EST!, Which means we are officially over due.


This is becoming a trend, both our first 2 children were also overdue as well, 2 weeks and 1 week. As much as my wife is ready for the baby to finally come, she's not one to try a million strange things to get it started either and more than happy for nature to take it's course.

Hopefully soon enough I'll be able to finally announce the birth.

I don't know the gender of the child, but my wife does. This is another interesting part of the pregnancy. We had originally planned to wait till the birth to learn the gender, but when she attended the ultrasound she broke down and learned the gender and has been a great sport in not revealing it to me.

We have also been unable to decide on a name yet as well, so we still have lots to figure out

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