6 Year Old QiQi Making Dinner Again: Harvesting, Mixing, Slicing, Dicing, Spirlaizing & Even Cleaning! One Of QiQi's Many Skills Learned Naturally By Living!

Children are always learning, the question is what.....

Here we have some pictures of QiQi who is 6 making one of the dishes for dinner for a community of 20. It is a raw spaghetti, very healthy, very sustainable and also quite delicious!

QiQi knows how to mix, cut, slice, dice and spiralize. If you check out some of her other posts you will find she has many skills and abilities and learned them all at home, without rules, grounding, time out, bribes/rewards or punishments. She learned all this from simply living in a conscious, healthy and responsible environment. 

QiQi jumps in to spiralize the zucchini for the raw "noodles". I cut the ends off and she spins all 8 zucchini halves into noodles. Then she wipes the marble prep station.
Next we are making the sauce. I forgot to pick the oregano so we go out to the garden and QiQi picks it. She has learned how to pick carefully and properly, low on the stem, from the age of 2. Once we have what we need, we run back to the kitchen to make the sauce. 

QiQi waits patiently while I take photos of the ingredients. Then she puts them all into the food processor. The measuring bowl of tomatoes is so heavy she has to get her foot on the counter to have sufficient leverage. She pushes the button and watches it blend.
I am so thankful to have her help with so many little things like this. We both learn a lot and have fun working together.

QiQi is blessed enough to live a life of freedom, where she does not go to school nor does she have "lessons" or "home work". Yet how is it possible she ever learns anything?

(QiQi Helps Harvest Herbs, Tomatoes Etc for Dinner)

Well the truth is she is learning every moment. The question is what?

(QiQi Adds Veggies To The Food processor)

Well the beautiful and horrific truth is children learn whatever they are exposed to, whatever they see, whatever they are around. 

(Adding herbs and tomatoes)

So a child in school most likely will learn to read but also to wake up at alarms every day, to follow rules, not ask questions, do what they are told, memorize without research, regurgitate without thinking, as well as acting appropriately, fitting in and what the idea of love and honesty is according to how people in school act. 

A child at home could possibly learn even worse.....Fighting, addiction, lying, abuse, violence, yelling, arguing....Maybe that food is something that comes in a back and cooking is something that gets done in a microwave....

(QiQi is knowledgeable and responsible enough to work the food processor also)

Or a child may learn how to grow and harvest food, a child may learn that honesty, love and compassion is something that is embodied not pretended. A child may learn that cooking may not even be the best or healthiest way to eat. 

(All Blended!)

The dinner is done and she also helps clean up! She is already quite responsible and capable. Yet she is learning more and more every day, becoming more and more capable every day. Simply by living in a healthy and active environment!

You can see @qiqi-power introduction post here!

I @quinneaker created  this  account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to give QiQi a way to be  be  responsible for supporting her own dreams and desires. She  fully    comprehends and is excited to work for and create  things for  her  self  she wants. She wants an Ipad to create art  with, make  videos,  and  research her interests. She is already learning sign language  as well as   new songs every day.  I will be posting her chosen content   and   perspective as well as represent for her here,  having   sole control   of  the account and all   activity on it. I have done   this because of  the   laws of children  having social media accounts   and access. This  is set   up in trust for  her future and  thus must   survive to be of  any worth. She has  decided to power up  all SP   to    make Steemit  better and to invest in  her future trust.   All  liquid   Steem will be  put twords   her Ipad or the dolls that she  wants. She   will trade that  Steem to a   Steemian in  exchange for the   ipad  when she saves  enough.  She is   already  working on more   art pieces, as   she   says "I love making Steemit  posts." This  account  is intended    to give QiQi a creative outlet and opportunity  to make  her own way  and achieve her dreams.              

Until Next Time SteemON!


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