Teen Suicide: A Preventable Killer


Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after accidents and homicide. It's also thought that at least 25 attempts are made for every completed teen suicide. -http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/suicide.html

As time goes by, more and more teenage suicides are occurring and there are a lot of things contribute to teen suicide, such as:

  • feelings of distress, irritability, or agitation
  • feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and depression
  • emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
  • lack of a support network, poor relationships with parents or peers, and feelings of social isolation etc

Teens are perhaps the most sensitive set of people and almost any comment passed at them gets to their head easily. As a result of this, many teens feel depressed, inferior and frustrated with life. I believe that in a way the society has contributed largely to this. I am a teenager and trust me when I say I know what I am talking about because I see my friends go through these things. I've seen fellow teenagers like me especially females have thoughts of attempting suicide because of insults passed at them because of their looks or behaviours. I know a girl who was always insulted for being fat and I know another insulted by people for being boyish. But really, I wonder who decides what beauty is or what a person should look or act like. I wonder why the society wouldn't leave us to grow up to be ourselves, looking and behaving the way we want. On a daily basis, the society is forcing us to conform to its norms and accept its definition of beauty. The society basically rejects and makes those who don't conform to feel bad. Many teenagers fall into this category. Isolated and unaccepted by the society, they become easy victims of teenage suicide.

Even I, have also been subjected to such feelings. In fact, today I was subjected to a wave of attacks on my singing ability by a few people I call friends after I uploaded a video of myself singing on my WhatsApp status. I am amazed by how much joy people derive from bringing others down. I wonder how these people would feel if I passed such derogatory comments at them. I'm sure they would feel bad as I did when the comments came wheeling in. It actually got me to the point of wanting the cry and contemplating getting a voice surgery or something. It took me a while to get myself together again. It took me a while to convince myself that no matter what people say or think "I am good at what I do and can only get better with time". After all I'm just 16 and I'm almost just getting started with me life and all. But then, how many teenagers or children can do what I did. How many can convince themselves to love themselves the way they are?

Many would begin to develop a sense of inferiority and even hatred for themselves in very extreme cases. This is when thoughts of suicide start to kick in because they would begin to feel worthless and think the world his better of without them. Though some may just attempt and not eventually go through with committing suicide, others would actually do it but here are some ways to know a teenager contemplating suicide:

  • they may talk about feeling worthless and thinking they wouldn't be missed if they left.
  • loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy taking part in in the past.
  • continued complaints about boredom or being tired of life.
  • taking part in dangerous activities etc
  • withdrawal from family and peers
  • difficulty in concentrating on schoolwork
  • neglect of personal appearance or looks
  • changes in eating patterns, such as sudden weight loss or gain
  • violence, rebellion, or running away

Prevention and Management of Suicidal Teens

At the point when the warning signs begin to show,it is still very possible to prevent the teenager from committing suicide. However, many guardians do not usually know what to do. There are actually many ways of preventing teenage suicides when these suicidal signs are noticed and some of them are:

  • Positive interaction with teens (consistent feedback, compliments for good work.)
  • Increase his/her involvement in positive activities (promote involvement in clubs/sports)
  • Restricy your teen’s access to alcohol, prescription pills, illegal drugs, knives and guns
  • Talk with your teen about your fears by asking him/her directly about suicidal thoughts. However,do this in a calm, non-accusatory manner, expressing loving concern
  • try to convey how important he/she is to you on a regular basis
  • seek mental health services in the form of counselling by trained professionals


Teenage suicide is very much preventable and it isn't something any teen should actually feel the need to contemplate doing. The society can really do a lot to prevent more teenage suicides from happening. Also, we should learn to accept people for who they are and even when correction or criticism is needed, it should be done cautiously and with love.


adolescent suicide
Prevent teen suicide

With love,
@ajremy (the teen with steam for steam)

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