Heaven: I would suggest that the person flagging @familyprotection watches this video.

One thing that crops up again and again when I try to bring this issue up, with people in my own 'real-world'. Is that they won't believe that the Social workers, on the whole, would conspire to do such a terrible thing.

Without knowing the FACTS, it is fair to be unwelcoming to this news. After all, it does sound a little far-fetched. But for me and many others here, it is clear to see that we are dealing with a conspiracy of the most devious and destructive kind. But for the sake of argument, and ignorance, lets put the issue of conspiracy aside for a moment.

Now with a clear playing field, that is only being tolerated to realise the most conservative of perspectives, I ask you to justify why it is right that our government see fit to keep over 68,110(page#4) children inside of this terrible machine??

Even if you want to delude yourself that Children are not being set up for abusers and that it is not facilitated through the manipulation of humanities greed for 'wealth' and 'status'. Then still if we are to join you in this delusion, then how do we clear our conscience of "innocently"(your assumption, not mine) sending more than 68,110 children, to an institution that they know to be villainous.

I hope that has cleared things up for those who are against this community?

I have chosen not to name the person/people involved in flagging the comments of this group and attacking its founders. But let's not be guilty of carrying on with any further pantomime....

As the sneaky bastards have held this part of the inquiry on a Friday, they are not posting the transcript until Monday. I will update asap.

Details of core-participants(CP's)

Evidence links

Exhibit A

Screenshot-2018-3-3 RHC002498_003 pdf.png

Exhibit B

Screenshot-2018-3-3 RHC002403_001 pdf.png

IICSA homepage

Screenshot-2018-3-3 IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.png

In light of @markwhittam's recent post, I will try to lead by example and donate the whole of this payout to @familyprotection. As stated in the comments section of that post, when rewards are "payed-out" we already get to keep the steem reward and that should be considered when donating. I point the finger at nobody and include myself in this warning. It is all the good of the community and that is the WHOLE POINT.


Rebel Dan


Please don't forget the homeless, they need our help too. I know you have the heart :)

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