The Nightmare Before Christmas (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part I)

Christmas is only a few days away ...

... and while other families across the continent prepare for celebration, OUR family also begins preparing for our time of year.


-- { My Friend Anna's Family Story Part I } --


We look furtively for somewhere to gather so government agents don't know where to find us.

We gather, and cling fiercely to one another,
grieving every absent member
those stolen from us
or driven from among us.
... Exchanging gifts through tears of gratitude for those present ...

Our family tradition is one of fear and uncertainty; of faith mangled and maligned.

It's a tradition forced upon us by the agency tasked with Children and Family Development.


Twelve years ago, just before Christmas, our family was thrust into a nightmare from which we've never really recovered.

Each time we thought that we might be able to breathe,
sit down together to Chrismas dinner
to celebrate the birth of our Saviour,
the TERRORISTS come again to remind us!
They are all-powerful and can take our children away any time.


I think they choose Christmas because it hurts more that way and has the added demoralization factor that says,

"Others Can Celebrate But Not You."

Also, if they snatch your child just before the holidays, they know all government offices are closed, so all your frantic phone calls only reach recorded messages, wishing you "HAPPY HOLIDAYS," leaving you helplessly grieving with no recourse or remedy. Later on you learn it doesn't really matter anyways. Even if your child dies in the care of the kidnappers, no one is ever held accountable.

My children didn't die, but three of them were so deeply traumatized, that if any other service, agency or individual had caused it, they could surely be sued and jailed.

But the perpetrators of this travesty continue to walk proudly in the community, and continue to earn their tax-funded paycheques as they dismantle and terrorize the most vulnerable segment of society.

My hope is that in telling my family's story, people might begin to realize that Child Protection is a gross misnomer -- and that in fact the very organizations charged with the task of Family Development actually do the exact opposite.

Writing this down is difficult. As I pull up nightmarish scenarios we lived through, I feel it like it was yesterday.

Sometimes I have to stop, and go sob in privacy for a while.

Then I emerge again, wanting just to hug my youngest daughter --

--- the only one still unsullied by these lying, cheating destroyers!

Oh, and this Christmas 2017

... the Social Workers want to talk to her too!

... to be continued


If the courts protect the criminals, how can we protect our children from human traffickers?

"Write it down! Don't let your story fade away unheard, unknown!"
(Anna's close friend, Hazel)



Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.

Governments around the world,

are using "Child Protection Agencies"

to take children away from loving families

and place them in foster care or group homes

or place them for adoption.


Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection




This account of TRUE events that took place 11 years ago and was written by my friend, Anna. It is the second in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag. Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children

3 columns
2 columns
1 column