Goldilocks and the Three Bears! - Protect Your Home! - Enjoy with Troy!

I am sure we all remember the "Three Little Bears" from our childhood. There was Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear. And what a wonderful story for children to hear! Oh and yes who cannot forget Goldilocks. That rascal ate the porridge and fell asleep in the bed where the bears slept. But when she knew she was in trouble she ran out of there and was never seen again. Through this treasured story, children are introduced to the importance of family early in life with the hope to carry those values on through adulthood. The family meant safety and love. This was a 19th century fairy tail in which the original character was a badly behaved woman and later updated to a beautiful Goldilocks. But appearances can deceive.

The Three bears book cover
Fresh porridge before they take a walk.

Yet how did we get from "The Three Little Bears" to the CPS destroying families and ripping apart the structure? Where did the innocence go? I can tell you we did not get here overnight. It was a well planned out agenda and we fell for it. And how do we get rid of Goldilocks now that she is destroying so many families?

The deterioration of the family has been ongoing for about a century. It has been in our face obnoxious and ruthless in the past several decades. And now folks are getting worried about it? Why were they not worried then? Or perhaps they were and just could not speak loudly enough. Sometimes the incentives to condition a person or society are enticing enough to shut up the public. A clear example of this may be the smart phone. With all of its bells and whistles you want the conveniences and grow attached and addicted to it. You forget that you gave up your privacy when you sign on with Big Brother. Who was the smarter? So too is the war on families. They entice us with incentives for a family.


Allow me to make some mile markers with regard to the family deterioration. You may agree or disagree with these mile marker, but I believe they are significant. There are probably others unmentioned. Many of these are a natural fabric of our lives on a daily basis and we think of them as progress. These mile markers offer wonderful incentives but like the smart phone at what cost?

1920's Radio was introduced. we were listening to programs and listening less to each other.

1940's Television was introduced. All of a sudden we were not sharing eye contact with each other. We gave it up to a big box called the TV.

1950's Modern Kitchen. With the introduction of the modern kitchen mom did not need to spend as much time preparing food for her family. This offered her more free time to make extra money and keep up or surpass the Jones's. Folks were moving to the suburbs and buying more than before. It was an expansion at the risk of mom not being home. Music also changed. Youth had their own music for the first time and it offered them an opportunity to rebel against the parents through music, and a more exciting lifestyle.

1960's brought independence and the introduction of the "Me" generation. Young people wanted to show their identity through music, drugs and a free lifestyle. Mini skirts were in and The Beatles spoke of starting a Revolution. We got rid of the top hat with the inaugural of JFK and lost the tie by the end of the decade. 1962 also saw the prohibition of state sponsored prayer in schools. Some people felt we were abandoning our spiritual values that built this great country.

1970's brought the women rights ERA and the disappearance of the husband or father figure. President Johnson had earlier set in bills in preparation for the care of families with aid to dependent children (ADC). Yes Daddy government was stepping up to the plate encouraging the departure of the family. We also witness the saw the growth of Planned Parenthood., another attack on the family.

1980's Saw an end to most local Children's Television programming in favor of national programming. Leaving us was 'Davey and Goliath' and 'Captain Kangaroo' and romper room for national shows like Sesame Street. Local TV stations with a population of 100,000 - 500,00 could not afford the local home grown shows any more. Here in Iowa I grew up with the Dr. Max Show and he Floppy Show, both gone decades ago.

1990's We saw the introduction of the friendly animation in 'King of the Hill', 'The Simpsons', 'Family Guy'. and 'American Dad.' You may notice that the Dad is not viewed as favorably in these shows as in their predecessors "Father Knows Best" or "Leave it to Beaver.' a generation before. In fact Dad is considered a lazy, stupid, sexist slouch of a being. Surely this script writing is an attack on the family structure.

Goldilocks helps herself to the porridge while the three bears are out.
They should have locked the door of their home.


MEDIA: Today we have I pads, I pods, social media and earplugs to distract our youth from the family. I once dated someone whose two children spent the bulk of their time on these devices. They would not take them off when they ate. In fact sometimes the children were so addicted to them they took their food to their room to spend more time on these electronic addictions. A generations before children would play outside with other children. Where did that culture go?

EDUCATION: Unless you are being home schooled, your children are being brainwashed and watched by big brother the education system with your tax dollars. What are your children being taught that they are not telling you? What morals and standards are they adapting?

HEALTH: Parents are being forced to vaccinate their children regardless if it necessary or not. Some kids do not react well to vaccinations and can lead to autism or death. Also with all the GMO'S. MSG, processed food and crap they put into our food, this is a poor substitute for real food which often cost much more.

GOVERNMENT AND CPS: Child Protective Services are a threat to the safety of the family and do more harm than good. Countless case after case shows that the CPS had only their own interest in mind. Children an families lay victim to their money profiting and self-protection of CPS. THEY ARE THE GOLDILOCKS! THEY ARE THE OXYMORON!

SPIRITUAL: Children do not go to church much anymore. If they do go it is their grandparents who take them. The parents are too tired or too busy. What are children being taught when Mom and Dad do not attend church? What kind of spiritual or moral values are being learned?

ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES: Finally we have alternative lifestyles being flaunted as the cool way to be and the traditional family is obsolete. How does this help the family structure or protecting the family? It does not. How we deal with it depends on our moral and spiritual fabric. That is for you to decide.


If we are going to change this and stand up for children's best interests, we need parents to be out there in the battle field leading the way. When parents take a back seat and leave it up to the school system, daycare or government to raise THEIR kids, what does that say? WE need both Papa Bear and Mama bear to take the responsibility to raise their children. Autopilot does not cut it. Here are a few ideas to help:

  1. Identify potential dangers harmful to children that my weaken the family structure.
  2. Instruct families of the dangers when the CPS or other organizations are involved.
  3. Educate parents of their legal rights when the CPS comes knocking at the door.
  4. Offer classes and teach parenting responsibilities to parents when helpful.
  5. Offer mentors to parents who would benefit from a role model.
  6. Offer relationship classed to troubleshoot and bring conflict resolution to marriages and relationships.
  7. Consider a date night for the parents to nurture and grow the relationship.
  8. Consider other ways to grow your relationship with your spouse and children.
  9. Consider putting God in the family. Praying together, attending church and quiet time is important.

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Think of the possibilities still sleeping in your child or baby. Our children need us. They need to be protected from the evils of this world. They need to remain in their homes free from the CPS. But they need proper upbringing by parents who will raise them with their full attention and love. It starts at home. We want to help yes. we want to protect all children but we need you to do your part. Together we can offer a future far surpassing any before. Apart we die as a culture, soon to be taken by our enemies. Let us invest in our future through our families and children.. Embrace the moment. Together we WILL succeed!


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Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, upvote or resteem! - Blessings - Troy

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