[FamilyProtection] Broken Adults: The Truth About Aging Out Of Foster Care System.

The outcomes of every designed system determines if such a system is to be upheld, changed or terminated. The ends determines if the means are indeed appropriate, the results of any system should as well be its "upholder" or "terminator". The end product of CPS and the foster care system has been undeniably awful and outrageously disastrous. 

When a foster child turns 18, they are said to "age out" of the system, in the literal sense, all support, housing, cares and provision by the government cease to be available to them. At that point, they are no longer of any "marketable" value to the system, so the children transcending to adulthood are retired. Naturally, most foster kids seemed to be initially joyed to be living the system that has kept them captive, only to realize that they were not only kept captive, their every worth, self-confidence, emotional independence and all attachment that would have initially prepared them for the outside world were robbed off them the moment they were taken from their families. 

This children who had received no love from the system, not able to settle down with a foster home for long to perhaps create some bond no matter how little, because they were moved randomly from one home to the other, facing rejection, then become a burden and weight on the world.
Many of this kids have been disoriented by the system, placed on psychotropic drugs, when they could have easily felt better by care and love from their families. Mental health classes and expert help are dropped because the system wants to ripoff as much dollars they could, so resolving to psychological drugs to influence their mental state. This mental conditions would never had occurred if they had and where a part of a family unit and were not made to pass through a trauma by CPS. 


How Do You Think they would treat adulthood?, these are people who didn’t have the chance to mess themselves up and then be corrected and adviced by their parents, they turn adults and tend to want to act the “kid” they never had the chance to, in crimes and everything. They never had the love and care every normal child needed to bring forth the man and strong woman in them. This profound departure from the family connection they lacked stumped their life.

This children who had been broken, emotionally and psychologically unstable, drugged at various phases of their lives, maltreated by the system and unloved are then retired into the outside world without due support or any help, this is unacceptable!. Well I am not surprised with this outcomes, because a broken system hardly maintains a full-mentally prepared and matured individuals ready to take on the world positively. What happens when they go out?

  • Homelessness
    An average of about 28,500 age out of foster care in America yearly, this I calculated from averaging the reports from various statistical researches in the last 10 years. This is indeed a huge number going out without "real" support and aid, some are incapable of locating their biological families or are unconnected when they do. The image below from Connections-Homes gives an insight to the problem of homelessness this young adult begin to experience immediately. 36% of almost 28,500(average) is a huge number flocking the the street of America homeless.

  • Unemployment
    By age 21, 50% of age outs turn out unemployed.(Chapin Hall )

  • Crime
    From a statistic report from the US Department of Justice, 55% of former foster kids two years after aging out were incarcerated and 74% former foster kids find themselves in U.S. Prison. From a study by the Chapin Hall group some years ago, examining data for 21 years former foster kids vs kids who did not live in the system. It showed 55.3% males arrested since their 18th birthday, while those who didn't pass through the care system was merely 7.5%. For females, it was 29.6% vs 0.5%. The percentage for foster kids increases more as years transcends. By 21, approximately 77% would have been arrested. 

  • Pregnancy And Prostitution
    The females easily result to prostitution or relenting to "survival sex" as compared to their male counterparts who engage in possible crime, just to get basic necessities. It is reported that by age 21, 71% of women become pregnant. This pregnant teens, mostly end up being a supply for foster system again since most times are unable to care for them, it is highly depressing to see this happen. 

These are just but a few of the things that happens!, many of this youths are socially isolated and  faced with the challenges of making life-dependent decision alone, unprepared and unsupported.

The outcome of the foster care system and it's supplier(CPS), is just a cycle of broken people. Many kids spend their time in confinement and end up in another confinement as adults(Prison) because they were deprived of their rights to live with their families most of the times based on spurious lies prior to their removal. This system creates more broken adults than any system ever developed by man kind, these broken adults ends up birthing children who mostly end up in the foster system again!. It is one bad cycle that needs to be stopped. The outcomes of the foster care system is an enough factor for its termination.

The best solution to this insidious system, is for children to stay with their parents while help is been provided in every way possible by the government. Ronald Reagan once said Government can’t solve the problem. Government is the problem.! The foster system and CPS bodies are a spiting example to this comment.

To everyone who were able to transcend out of the foster care system and made a huge positive survival, Keep striving on!. To all the numerous people who still feel the past impact and are still overwhelmed, your VOICES are rising up to the surface, louder every second!, keep striving on positively.

Let us for just a second ask ourselves, "Did they deserve to be treated in this manner?, did they deserve to be disconnected from their homes?, did they deserve this spiteful turn in their lives?".

May they find peace, joy, love and many reasons to be THANKFUL, TODAY AND ALWAYS.

Destroy the family, you destroy the country.

-Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


Rise up for this cause

A foe fought in Unity

Becomes a foe defeated

To be informed is to be forearmed

Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!

Peace to you all,

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