ILLUMINATION: The Quest Of A Cleaner ||| Snap Out Of Your Illusion And Become A Cleaner

People who know me call me up and says "You are such a good writer,! that is a hell of a Poetical write up you've got there". Unfortunately, this people don't know me well, they don't come to comprehend what type and manner of person I am, even here on the Steem BlockChain, I am just one star in Anonymity, floating through the galaxy of trillions of stars with just one Aim. Illumination.

I am not a writer, I am not a poet, I am not a singer, I am not a researcher, I am not a stronghold, I am but just A man. A man with a blistering hunger for "Humanity" and an appetite to behold the day when good will tilt the scales, displacing evil. I sit down everyday and wonder when this would happen, but then I slap myself off the thoughts and subconsciously say to myself "Get off your lazy ass and make an impact, stop thinking and Act!".

I have been a preacher for so many years and for so many things, I wonder if a day ever passes without me feeling a righteous guilt for putting too less effort. Through these years and things I have been to places my legs can't take me to, I have been able to resonate with so many hearts that my brain can't even comprehend. The steemit Blockchain have given me more Righteous Liability also.

The World Is A Mess

In the course of all that I have encountered, I know very strongly that the world is a mess. A huge mess. Maybe not though, the world is in deed a perfect place but "People" are the mess, we are the tool for so much "Goodness" and so much "Evil". I have been involved with my friends in many tiny things for more than 6 years now, to tilt the balance of the world towards Goodness and Human Compassion. It is quite funny that we haven't even tilted the balance of a small town yet!. But it is a dream we are never drifting from, because we have seen many other dreamers syncing within the concept of our Dreams. We are not alone. 

Children Caught In Between These Mess 

The mess the world is drowning in is far greater than we can individually comprehend. I know the childhood I had, though not perfect, but I have lived to always cope with the lemons I did received, though I sincerely hoped for apples. But many children right now, in the messy world we live in don't even have the chance to try out a lemonade, for all they know is vinegar.

The group I belonged to have had an email set up for more than 6 yrs now, where we have received a couple of email regarding CPS and the threat they pose in tiny quantity in comparison to the other research and work we were involve with. It was just last year, I created a CPS-dedicated email for our research group, I and Eugene have been actively involved in this niche, well Eugene have been far more involved with the CPS  dating back for as long as I can remember. He had so many friends and relatives who were victims of the foster care system. 

Children are in the middle of the messiness of the world, and are getting drowned deep deep into this mud than you ever can imagine. From the onset of the @familyprotection project to this very moment, the CPS-dedicated emails have received 2042 emails with approximately 536 cases. Yes!, 536 parents who have reached back to us. The numerous video calls I have had and interviews over the phone, on facebook and skype are not included in the case count number here. Children caught like flies in the web of a monstrous spider called CPS.

You Say There Is No Problem With CPS?

Very frequently, I see blindly devoted people, clamoring for CPS and justifying the job that they do. I am not vexed at anyone but I am in a sad awe as to the degree their blindness lead.

**You believe everything is fine and that CPS is magnificent?-then look into the eyes of a mother who just lost her child(ren) to this evil men that feeds on kids.
**You think CPS is a righteous mountain where all prayers are answered? -tell that to the numerous newly delivered mothers who never got to kiss their newborns goodbye
**You justify the corruptness of CPS and act blind to their many failings, you say without CPS the world will be a mess?- tell that to a mother who can never ever have the right to birth a child without he/she being taken because their rights were terminated.

You sit in your high comfort zone, sipping a can beer and munching all the apples life has given you, and you think there is nothing wrong outside your fence?. Please look into the eye of that mother, that father who just lost their kid(s) to the cold hands of death because of your Dear Beloved CPS!. Tell that to the angry, broken, traumatized and shattered child who can't and will never see their parents anymore, won't get to see grandma, grandpa, their relatives or their favorite toys and treehouses!. 

Tell that to the broken adults out there, whose childhoods were destroyed, now they have no Adulthood to look forward to. Tell that to Ayita who is still battling CPS right now for the freedom of her siblings that were initially removed from their home because one of them was spotted crying for the death of their father. Tell that to Alice(I and Eugene's friend) and her many other age out friends, who were further kidnapped and sold out to prostitution immediately after aging out and never got to see her parents she was returning to!. Her own best friend died in that cave of evil. (READ IT HERE)

Tell that to the numerous 536 cases sleeping in my CPS-Dedicated email box, tell that to all the dead children, who never got to live the life they wanted all because of CPS and its heinous crimes. Tell that to them all. Life served them lemons and apples but CPS decided what they deserved was Vinegar!.

Snap Out Of Your Illusion!!

There are two things you should never try in life. 1. Being deceived by the appearance of others or things because of your own ignorance. 2. You are not ignorant, yet you decide to believe a false truth!. If you are any of these, You are no better than a dust floating through space into a black hole, while others have decided to be more than just dust, to be the disruption that would make this world less and less messier!.

For you to understand someone, the pain they pass through, and the oppression they are facing, you must put yourself in their shoes. You can't  stand afar off and judge, you can't sit in your land of apples and comprehend the taste of the Vinegar the CPS system and other organizations are serving to families and children. The vinegar that is of poison.

I employ everyone reading this message right now, no!, I beg you all, just take a few days, it may be one or more days, go out and connect with the victims in your vicinity, feel the pain they felt, understand the oppression and the hands of hammer that have flattened their will and stolen their children. Perhaps at that point, you would understand that the music CPS is playing is one that no family can dance to its tune. 

Don't for a moment sit on your high throne satisfied and unmoved, because the cold that kills the rabbit would eventually kill the lion!. It's just a matter of time. So let's stop this cold, light the fire of Change, ignite the hearts of everyone around you. Snap out of it!.

Who Am I?

I repeat; I am not a writer, I am not a poet, I am not a singer, I am not a researcher, I am not a stronghold, I am not a millionaire, I am not on top of the world, I am but just A man, with a blistering hunger for "Humanity" and an appetite to behold the day when good will tilt the scales, displacing evil. I am a preacher, a man whose "Ink drips for the Human Mind, envisaging a better world". I believe everyone of us is very Magnificent, So let us clean the world off its mess, I am a cleaner. We all can be CLEANERS..... My Sword-Pen-Name is MakeBloom.

This Is Not The Time To Be Ignorant

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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