Seen And Not Heard: Family Protection Series #2


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Hello Steemians!

The article I am about to share with you is the second article I have written for @familyprotection. Below you will read about my very first experience with a government child protection agency. The experience was, not surprisingly, lacking in professional integrity and ethical decision making.

I must have been around eleven years old at the time, though I cannot remember precisely. My mother was very sick, unable to leave the hospital bed that had been set up in her living room. Since she was unable to care for me I was sent to live with my mothers sister and her husband in Regina Saskatchewan. My aunt was a travel agent and her husband, my "uncle", was a window salesman, they were fairly well off. They had a big house, 2 cars, seemed like typical middle class Canadians.
My "uncle" had a habit of beating my up when he was angry, he punched me in the head a lot. One time after I had refused to take the Ritalin they were forcing on me I managed to dodge one of his punches and he broke his hand on the wall behind me. My aunt would watch and not do anything about it. Eventually I started to make a scene and demand that I be put in a foster home or I was going to run away. I was very serious about leaving and by that point I was very angry. A social worker was called and I explained to them that I was being hurt and didn't want to be there any more. I told them I was scared and that this man continually beat me while my aunt stood there and watched. My aunt and uncle both denied that anything happened and said I was lying for a reason I no longer recall. Regardless I was placed in a foster home as I had requested. I thought I had gotten away from him but apparently placing me in that foster home was just to teach me some kind of lesson because that only lasted a week before they put me back with my aunt and uncle without any further conversation with me. After that I was not given another opportunity to tell people what was happening to me until after my mother died, at that point i chose simply to leave but I have never forgotten what was done to me or how CPS in Saskatchewan sent me back into a violent situation after I told them that I was being hurt and abused.

Children everywhere are either being torn from loving arms or intentionally being placed in harms way and these agencies that are given so much power by the governments are abusing that power and causing irreparable damage wherever they go.

I hope that by sharing my experiences I can bring hope to a broken soul and warmth to ease the icy grip of despair.
Thank you for reading my story, I will have another one to tell soon.

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