Privacy Workshop #6 Part 2 - Case Studies in Authenticity and Lack Thereof

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note: By the end of this article it will be very clear why I posted this in the familyprotection tag.

If you can not take seriously the proposition whether a specific element of an historical or recent event is true, then the propaganda has succeeded completely in your mind and you have relinquished your Body to state control for all practical, political and mendacious purposes. - @mindhawk

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The degree to which you exhibit the ability to defy control and alter history without permission(Truth Now) is the degree to which you will attract the mysterious, shadowy forces of international spies working for interests you can never hope to fully understand(Truth Never). -@mindhawk

It is of course much easier for those pursuing Total Knowledge, if you are unable to do anything at all they cannot predict and as such it is much more convenient to them if you are trained/programmed/brainwashed to live in the Truth Never world.

In this essay, I will be picking apart the pieces of the actual active Matrix and deriving the true nature of its Architects from the design constraints left as artifacts and outright Glitches that despite all their power they cannot prevent.

Many of the Glitches we will examine leave a vast pattern of contradictions between a system of Agents otherwise fanatical about the crime of poor or otherwise powerless people and a whole different set of rules which turns a blind eye to powerful people when they prey on children, whom their entire system is allegedly supposed to protect the most of all.

A person who has only their voice and ability to think, even if one lacks physical strength, a lot of friends, a community, your own family, a fortune, and you just have time, internet and the ability to think independently, can best put themselves to use in human society by investigating matters that are for unknown or mysterious reasons left unreported on corporate news or whatever most people are watching. In other words, if you can't fight the Agents and you want out of the Matrix but don't know how, the best thing you could do with your time is to hunt glitches and keep a journal of every detail about them you can.

The primary method in such pursuits, the most important power you have as a single isolated, atomized individual is your testimony of the Truth Now. What just happened, what you saw, what you know, what sucks, what does not suck, who has been straight with you and who is playing games, who has had your back and who has stabbed you in it. Your Testimony as an individual human is incredibly powerful. Don't waste it.

Privacy Workshop #6 Part 2 is about how to take matters of veracity seriously, once you have Decided to take them seriously. I'm going to simply show a bunch of things that look really Untrue to me. And then I'm going to show you some things that look really True to me, and especially so because the people trying to say they are not true, are themselves so untrue that what they are saying simply cannot be true, and as such are actually revealing the Truth Now despite their best efforts to destroy it.

Sure, it's a web, a maze, it's frustrating, you will encounter trolls, ogres, evil dark mages, the ghosts of ancient sith, maybe even demons and they may even claim to be the Devil Himself, but gosh it's interesting and fascinating and makes the mind come alive in ways the Truth Never simply can't. People who are not into this stuff are as if asleep, living in some world that has confines so vastly different from the true scope of possibility as to hardly be similar to reality at all. And at the end I am going to prove to you beyond any doubt that children in the United States are not in any way safe, and once you know that, it is my hope that it will be as difficult for you to return to the Truth Never world, the one in which their suffering is something you can simply Live With because it makes your life easier.

If you are going to be like, 'Truth is bullshit, man, you'll never get it, don't bother, everyone's everything is everything man it is what it is and nobody's going to change that if you just go with the flow and be chill dude, there's like a million universes and we don't even know which one we are in, like everybody just has a different perspective' then...

lol gtfo. This is Privacy Workshop, if you have anything to say along those lines, you need to go to some popsicle stick workshop where you belong. I have no more time to argue with people who refuse to use their mind. In my opinion they are about as dangerous as actual zombies, they are the tools our oppressors/owners/@plutocraticoverlords(tm) use to 'elect' fascists and repeat their mass brainwash messaging.(ie you might have heard this word 'collusion' lately...)

I'm going to use some Reddit accounts and posts, popup nooz websites, and even steemit accounts that have interacted with my account that are obviously not real people.

Then I'm going to show some real things(and of course if you read my last post regarding news sources, you will be well primed for more Truth Now)

But first, for those people remaining still in the dark about what in the wide open public knowledge about what the military and spy agencies of all kinds are doing on the internet to turn it into an all seeing all knowing eye, so they can attempt to maintain perfect control, let's examine the history of a few people of a few people were reported that they were followed or infiltrated by agents of some kind before winding up in prison or dead.

The movement that is doing the best work to keep track of their infiltrators and their tactics is Earth First, a group dedicated to the simple and obvious Truth Now proposition that if we destroy the earth's ecosystem we will all die. Know and understand the story of Anna, someone who for months/years pretended to be a good friend and then disappeared the moment her friends were arrested. Consider also the people who at one point were Operators but who turned Agents due to the threat of violence.

Or going back in history, consider Fred Hampton, who was drugged by an undercover Agent posing as a friend. He never woke up, when the police arrived they shot him in his sleep.

Even one of the Agents themselves, an Agent Yeakey, reported being followed when he attempted to prove that the official story of the Oklahoma City bombing was Truth Never:

Ernest Hemingway claimed for years he was followed, many thought he was losing his mind but after his death it was revealed he was actually followed by the F.B.I. for no actually known reason:

Operation Cross Country, LA Operation(and notice the publicity these kinds of arrests receive, and the extent to which agents will post as other people, and that these huge operations always target poor people, and never discover any further network...):

Compare operation cross country to a british detective's story about being told NOT to bust child prostitutes in London:

Alphabay was operated(secretly took control of...) by Agents for months before it was shutdown:

Israelis are assasinating thousands of people outside their country:

And again, the Kevin Zeese talk from 9/11 Wakeup Call:

If you are on this global watchlist, undercovers will seek you out:

The intercepts report on ghcq in the UK, based on USA/Israeli tactics:

And consider how NBC coverd for weinstein, how secret agents were dispensed to try to protect him by attacking others:

And again, my testimony, that at music festivals like the Oregon Country Fair or Coachella, police get there on day one and set up their own camp that looks just like any other camp and use that as a base from which to investigate everyone in attendance and deal fake truth serum drugs, then bait people into crimes with whatever age/gender of undercover agent they might be most likely to commit a crime against.

They even have a tv show to train the youth how to be good undercover agents:

Fusion centers coordinate all of this, linking local, state, national police with all of the military agencies, spy agencies like the CIA/DIA/Five Eyes/Mossad(who have their hand in everything in the United States), and then private security such as Strategic Forecasting/BlackCube or whatever they changed their name to:

Or consider Occupy Wallstreets observations on the matter:

If you are going to have your Privacy, you will have to contend with forces this powerful and mendacious.

Persona Management software allows single and multiple people to pretend to be single or multiple accounts, yet pursue the same objectives with them over long stretches of time:

This concludes the portion where I firmly prove with Evidence, the Truth Now, that there are massive forces at work on the internet to create the Truth Never.

Mendacity is a word that is going to come up over and over as we analyze the Truth Never movement, let's review its definition:

Mendacity: Not telling the truth;Lying.

A Mendicant therefore is someone or something that only lies, and although this usually applies to certain goblins and witches in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy world, I assert that it applies just as well to the people being paid 60k a year to sit on a military or police base and operate persona management software to prevent anyone from posting anything unwanted(i.e. clear descriptions of Agent operations, no matter how perverse or unjust....)on reddit, steemit or anywhere else.

And this is why it is important to be grounded in the principles of Privacy Workshop #6 Part 1, the Truth Now. Mendicants are allergic to the Truth Now, and no matter how hard they try, will always in one way or another reek of dishonesty and leave a trail of Glitches wherever they go and with whatever they say.

As a test and attempt to actually promote my work here at Privacy Workshop, I recently tried to post again on Reddit, using an account I created to run with this cornball over-the-top trying-too-hard-to-be-woo-woo name @mindhawk(see note 2), but pushing the envelope of cheese calling it, 'TheRiseofMindhawk' and outright reported (the Truth Now) that I am someone whom the U.S. government outright gave mind-control drugs to and tried to see if I'd commit crimes on them, and that I have told my story here on steemit and invited everyone in the world to Ask Me Anything. What I found demonstrates the Nature of reddit as simply an invitation to party at the Fusion Center with Mendicant Agents.

I posted to r/journalism, it did not appear in the new thread at all. This is what it means when your post is "Silo'd", or made to appear to you as if others could see it when they really can't. Then while your post is in the silo, the Agents eventually come to ask you questions when they get to get to the Fusion Center at 8 in the morning, grab their coffee and crank up their persona management software.

I received a handful of replies, let's examine two of the accounts:

0 Day accounts, what a strange occurrence, almost like some kind of Glitch.....

One of them tries to draw me into a long drawn out discussion and intentionally restates my story in ways that incriminate me, in very, very calculated ways. Mendacious, even.

Stinky says something quite ominous, 'You sir are a genius. I see what you did there and I like it.' Hmm. Someone created a brand new account just to say this. What do you think are the chances that this person is not linked to the Fusion center? (0)

So to review, I tested the following hypothesis: "If I post my story about the government giving me drugs and the links to my Privacy Workshop on reddit, my post will be silo'd and I will only encounter Agents who will operate with Mendacity."

This was proven without a doubt, Q.E.D.

Let's look at some front page posts and users commenting on r/conspiracy, and some of these popup news sites to see if anything Glitchy or Truth Nevery or Mendacious appears:

Deaconblues18 just is so bored with illuminati conspiracies.

Roseandrose etc posts that things on r/conspiracy are actually running like a well oiled machine...

These are both fake accounts, you can just see these guys sitting in a room like this:

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And look at what site made it to the front page of r/conspiracy so ez:

Goodizen has no 'about' page, no verifiable journalists and a completely stupid name. Funders, backers, corporate ownership are not topics of discussion, no masthead. It could have appeared yesterday or a few months ago, who knows. It has anti-semitism mixed with MAGA in a bizarre non-thinking kindof way. Nothing about his site is particularly interesting yet it made it to the front page of r/conspiracy with hundreds of upvotes. Everything about this site is Glitchy, Truth Now commitment should be reacting like a spider sense or hairs raisin on the back of your neck.

The articles cite statistics about Anti-semitism that simply aren't legitimate. Anyone who has anything to do with this site would be discredited immediately in any other context, i.e. if they tried to use it as evidence. It completely fits the pattern of a psychological operation designed to monitor opinions, cause divisions and confusion. To me it looks Israeli in nature, as there is a well known operation afoot to offensively go after and dox any 'anti-semites' so that they can be made to look bad, and so that Israel can keep expanding its borders, and treating all Palestinians like slaves and prisoners etc.

One does not have to know the exact intentions of a lie to know the source of the lie simply not to be trusted, or part of Truth Now. One can however derive some truths from the lie and the operation surrounding it. Someone made a honeypot for anti-semites, so it is likely people who consider themselves semites behind it, for instance.

Let's examine a few strange accounts who respond to me right here on Steemit:

1 @jan23com (obvious shell)
2 @saliv8 (hard to say this person is real)
3 @whitedeer9217 (shows up only to downvote me)
4 @millhouze (no followers no following, tons of cruft posts, defends the fake accounts i call out)

More glitches. People who make a steemit account and then somehow, despite all odds, find Privacy Workshop on day one, and then even though they would have had to specifically search for this topic, still have nothing constructive to say at all whatsoever. Or other thin accounts who just for some reason shill and defend for @dbroze or @elizabethvos.

If I were running persona management software, if I were to want to identify a target for mendacity, I would find a way to link one of my accounts to it so that other Agents using the same station on night shift would be able to easily follow it. In this way some of these 0 day accounts are simply establishing a tracking connection so that other non-zero day accounts can be more efficiently used to jump in later to wreak havoc.

Now, let's put these new skills of discernment to use in the case of a small investigation and see where that takes us. We're going to grab the small thread of an individual mother who claims her child was horrifically abused by her former husband and that her husband offensively stalked her such that she lost her job at the otherwise prestigious American University.

Her personal account and homepage:

Lori claims that her ex husband emailed and called hundreds of people, her students, other faculty, the administration of the University and that the University refused to defend her or assist her in the situation in any way. (already glitchy...) Then when it becomes too inconvenient for them, after 18 months of allowing it and telling her not to make it a police situation, fired her because her 'personal life' was 'interfering' with normal life at the University. (hmmm some pretty extreme victim blaming here if Lori turns out to be telling the truth)

Lori is plainspoken, straightforward, grateful for a chance to speak her side of the story. She has written an entire book that is still available. Her website is still up. There are no glitches here that I have yet seen from hearing her story other than that, to believe her, you'd have to believe that American University and the judicial system were corrupt and broken.(I have seen other signs of problems with the judicial system and that American University is very integrated with some forces that I personally don't trust but still, withholding final judgement while we gather information)

I did a basic search on Lori and found a reddit post from 5 years ago, when this was going on. An entire thread claiming Lori was crazy and that she herself was harassing her own child by taking her to 20 doctors, none of whom confirmed her story. This is Glitchy because in Lori's account, she claims that multiple doctors confirmed the abuse at the hands of her husband. So there are two totally opposite sides to this story....both cannot be true. Let's use our skills of redditology to check out this post and see what there is to see.

I found this post, deleted user, which is +1 glitchy:

Top comment is u/Auldreekie

His account was last used 5 years ago, near the same time this post was made(glitchy +5). The rest of his posts are all over the top Mens Rights and Anti-feminist posts, that are in my opinion pretty far out there and aggressive. (glitchy +10) All of this is consistent with someone who at the time wanted to make a reddit user who looked very legitimate, and drew a following of angry men, but who as soon as their objectives were achieved, dropped the account and all of that.

The original article, that had apparently a ton of stuff in it about how Lori was making it all up, was from a site called '' This site is no longer online at all whatsoever. (GLITCHY +20)

So let's tally the score here, on Lori's' side, we have 0 Glitchy things, just some things that might be difficult to believe for a normal conspiracy-averse, institution-trusting American. And on the other side, Lori's ex husband accused of serially raping a 2 year old, his own child, we have a Glitch-o-meter reading of OFF THE CHARTS RED ZONE DANGER BEWARE.

So let's dig a little further.

Lori's rate my professor, notice how there are several obvious trolls who just downvote without saying anything, and the rest say things that are quite positive with specifics: (score more points for the Lori side)

I found this 'truthseeker' site that has a very negative article about Lori, let's consider it:

On further examination this site looks in every way similar to the 'goodizen.' Who operates it is a mystery.(glitch +10). It appears that nearly every topic of conspiratorial nature, even 'planet x' is given a fair hearing. There is to be honest a fair amount of truth mixed in with just about every psy-op in history.

Interesting, the writer of this article is "Robert Franklin Esq" but it is posted by the site admin 'wm_admin.' (glitchy +20)

Everything in the article is hearsay and Lori is described in absolutely non-journalistic vituperative terms.(glitchy +30)

Let's click on this link to page 2 of the article:

uh oh, this is the site that doesn't exist anymore. (GLITCHY +100)

Let's try to find Robert Franklin Esq....uh oh, there are so many! None of them look like this guy. No email or website link in the article(glitchy +200)

Let's look at the update:

This article, oddly, seems to defend Lori and suggest that she might really be encountering the same sort of coverup we are familiar with from the Franklin stories in Omaha Nebraska.

Who is Lasha Darkmoon? Well, good luck figuring that out. Talk about a rabbit hold. blindlight is a nutso website similar to truthseeker, there are some pages that say she is a disinfo agent. She can be found on rabid antisemitic sites like 'expel the parasite' and so any association with her would put you well into the category of the 'goodizen' type sites.

My glitch-o-meter for ms Darkmoon is off the charts. Her writings are inconsistent, rabid, yet allegedly christian and anti-jewish to the point of hatred and outright racism. Her own website is offline. It's a complete mess.

So her coming to the defense of Lori, actually adds to the overall glitchiness of her opponents as any association with her could only be meant to discredit her story.

Do you see it now? How even the attempt to understand Lori Handrahan's story takes you deep into a Matrix of lies and half-truths and fake personas whose only attempt could possibly be to hide a Truth that they otherwise can not censor?

Do you see how the same happened to me on Reddit when I tried to testify of my story which also goes against the narrative the police would have you believe, in this case that they would never dose citizens with drugs while they fought their drug war?

As far as I'm concerned, Lori wins this Truth Now vs Truth Never contest hands down. Privacy Workshop and Truth Now will consider her from here on out to be a credible witness to reality.

So let's look into her allegations.

Lori did everything reasonable, 'moderate' evidence was found by objective parties. The court was not convinced.

Shows that Igor Malenko had directed anyone with questions to yet another site:, also now offline(++++++++ GLITCHY)

FTA: "I have tweeted 15,000-20,000 tweets, Handrahan's friend said. More than 25 accounts and they all get shut down. There's always a very standard violation on the screen that it has been a violation of twitter rules. Either people are complaining, or they think we are spam.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Slideshare either did not respond to requests for information regarding this censorship or stated that they do not provide specific information in these situations.

Waxman has been working as Igor Malenko's attorney since May 2008, pro bono." (mega mega glitchy)

Let's take a look at mr waxman: (how anyone gets any legal biz with a crappy page like this, I have no idea)

What a guy! He comes to his own defense in this thread, you can hear the voice of Truth Now more clearly I hope in the other responders who ask pretty sharp questions:

waxman homepage still links to this page, which is still on the fast rotating homepage links:

This links to another Robert Franklin Esq article posted by another admin user claudia.

Claudia has no posted details and the last time she was interested in child abuse cases was in 2014.
I archived the 'save' about page, who has a p.o. box in Maryland but no actual address:

This site is just wierd, it's half believe victims, half don't believe them. No clear dates on when things are posted, they have campaigns they run and are doing something with #metoo somehow. (already archived 3 years ago when they were defending the michigan state lacross yeah, this is not legit in any way) (stephen miller is now in the white house and the lacross team got rich for sexually assaulting strippers. Anyone on that side is not good people)

This is all super, ultra, absolute glitchy.

At this point I am absolutely ready to side with Lori, and if you are not convinced there is a disinformation campaign waged against her, then I wonder about you too.

What exactly is Lori Handrahan doing that attracts such attention?

Writing about her case, including the Judge Moskowitz and Michael Waxman's vast real estate holdings, wow. Scary stuff.

The state prosecutor was sued for the first time in her life by waxman because igor refused to give any custody as ordered by the court:

Here is the type of investigation Lori works on, alleging that not only was her child abused, but that child abuse is endemic and ipso-facto legalized for certain powerful factions inside the united states and globally:

Her huffington post article:

her wordpress story about how American University set her up and fired her:

The 'save services' site gleefully posts the firing email:

Lori's forbes article:



One of the most prolific documenters of child abuse convictions in the united states is Emilio's account on medium:

Emelio links to these serious discussions of podesta and p-gate:

Luke at We Are Change is someone I have trusted for a while as he has not shied away from reporting pizzagate and other elements of corruption that are censored. He appears to me to have maintained the occupy values, and many of the fake popup site(ie The Conscious Resistance(tm)(sic)) imitate him because he has had such success.

Emilio maintains magickingdom dispatch, a site which looks a lot different from the 'save' and 'truthseeker' websites and has many posts on medium outing powerful abusers who get off with a slap on the wrist or whose stories are suppressed in the mass media:

Between Lori, Luke and Emelio, there is something going on. Add to that the obvious work of powerful people like Waxman and the impotence of the entire American University administration, and the vast mountain of obvious harassing, obfuscating Truth Never crap we had to sort through to get here.....

I will now add my findings onto this. I discovered the story of Devani and reported it, my first submission to the blockchain as I found it so disturbing.


I found that the local Arizona papers hid the fact that Frodsham was ex-military, saying that he had just worked on the base.

Then I found this:

He was a commander and was promoted, during the time we now know he was operating a child abuse ring and selling the children under his protection(see Randall Bishak). He was promoted:

"His next assignment will be as deputy G1 for the U.S. Army Network Technology Command at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.""

So what I found in Arizona was that this man had several foster children, one of whom was devani, and that he was given a light sentence of 20 years for abusing a 15 year old and pleading guilty to that, and all investigation and prosecution of child abuse of devani and other foster children was dropped completely. Bishak was given a few 10 year sentences and although the article said that he was discovered sharing files using an encrypted messaging service, no further mention of the network with which was involved is ever reported. These stories and investigations are now dead ends.

Further, the next foster family that Devani was given to, was Samantha Osteraas, who turns out to be schizophrenic. And the investigators who asked her brother about her were actually warned of this and told under no circumstances should she be made a a foster parent. Yet she was given a young girl with a history of abuse, and even given adopted custody while her own mother and grandmother begged for her return. Then Ms. Osteraas boiled her alive in a garbage can filled with boiling water, covering all her skin with 3rd degree burns. Ms. Osteraas was allowed to roam free for a few days before being arrested, then let out of prison early because she was being beaten within an inch of her life, and on the light bail amount of 10k.

If you add Lori's experiences in Maine with Waxman and Moskowitz, her reporting about high level abusers in the justice department, white house, secret service, and pentagon, Nancy Schaefer's reporting and mysterious violent death, with Luke's reporting about Pizzagate, with Emilio's massive wall of reporting about abusers, with the tiny bit of research I did into what is going on in Arizona, and then you look at the forces attempting to counter and silence all of us with their immense mountain of bullshit and unlimited resources(i.e. pro bono legal defense), AND THEN THIS GEM from former CIA John Kirakao, actually speaking this stuff aloud on youtube:

AND then this Laura Silsby stuff:

AND THEN the USA Gymnasstics case....9 years of reporting of abuse at the hands of Larry Nasser and no one did anything about it. It is too much.

There is an epidemic of powerful people abusing children and using all manner of trickery to make themselves impossible to prosecute.

In the united states no child is safe, and anyone who writes about the threats to them is under threat, including Lori, Luke, Emilia and Myself. I count myself proud to be in such company.

This is the case for the importance of Truth Now in the fight versus Truth Never that is not like all the others.

In the Truth Never world, every child abuser who has enough money or enough status, gets away with it.

As Julia states in the novel 1984, Members of the inner party of a totalitarian system 'Get whatever they want.'

Those who obfuscate, lie, trick, deceive, operate their fake personas and flood the internet with disinformation to prevent people like Lori and myself from being able to get the word out about what is going on, are whether or not they like it, firmly in the camp of those who are kidnapping children and using them for their sexual pleasure.

(So, Agents, if you can even get this far through the article, I know you are really busy serving complete bullshit and it must be a lot of work, I'd like you to go take a look in the mirror and rethink your life and consider joining those of us who are trying to rescue children. I know it's a lot to ask.)

This took a lot of work. At least 10 hours over several days and one fully used work day. This is perhaps the single best accumulation of documentation on two facts:

  1. A totalitarian system is trying to take over the united states
  2. That totalitarian system allows its elites to kidnap and abuse children with no chance of legal repercussions, unless you are on the very low rungs and the mistake of getting caught by remaining law enforcement who are not in on it or otherwise corruptable.

There can simply be no question.

I have demonstrated how to investigate a claim, how to investigate an article, how to investigate the writers of articles, how to derive from multiple postings the nature of a shill account, how to use reddit to counter-interrogate your surveillors, how reddit is itself simply a tool of disinformation and censorship, and how you can yourself continue all of these avenues of research.

Please resteem and support my work. It should be obvious by now the risk I take upon myself writing about these topics, as well as the capacity I have for shedding light where bad people are trying to get away with heinous crimes.

I am still only getting started.


I will rest now, please share widely and address the perpetrators of these crimes and their enablers appropriately.

And of course, Let the Good Vibes Get a Lot Stronger! We need it badly.

note 1: In the united states in 2018, I have chosen two major issues that are not reported that I have chosen for myself to look into. Privacy in personal technology and the numerous anomalies in the United States government and military which indicate children are in danger, being traded as commodities among sick people who hold positions of extreme power.

note 2: I am a hunter of contradictions afflicting human brains en masse.

"It is difficult to convince a person that something is true if they are paid to believe it is not true." - Mark Twain(paraphrased, but he was, of course, speaking of the Agents of his time.)

"These are the people we are trying to save. But the Matrix is the only world they know, and they will fight to protect it." -Morpheus

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