CPS & Me: Fear

I need a little input or maybe reassurance... I have this nagging fear that even though we pretty much won in court- at least for the next 30 days- that CPS is going to try to pull something. As long as the kids are with their grandmothers, I think they will be ok. It's while they're at school that has me worried- if CPS tries to grab them it will be while they're there. I'm still having problems sleeping, my appetite is gone and I can barely focus.

My research, along with what I've learned reading posts on @familyprotection, tells me that the school system is complicit in the kidnapping and trafficking of kids. There's also a premium on blonde haired, blue eyed children... This describes my grandchildren to a "T".
At the hearing the social workers lied so much it sounded like they were at the wrong place... this makes me really suspicious. I don't out a lot of stock in feelings, I go by facts and the fact is they lied through their teeth... and people lie for a reason. I know once those kids are gone, there's no getting them back.

I thought about pulling Kayla out of school and homeschooling- they both hate their school. Kyler is a year older, but he's small and the other kids pick on him. Kayla jumps in to protect him and them gets in trouble for beating the other kids up (she takes after Poppi). But I'm afraid if I pull her out of school it will look bad and it also leaves her brother at the mercy of the bullies. Also the grandmother that has him won't go for it.

There was something in the way that those CPS social workers acted at the hearing that just didn't feel right- something furtive and the more I think about it, the worse I feel... I'm sure they haven't given up. I hope I'm just being paranoid because of all my research- but those people lied and lied so I don't think that's the case. The lawyer we have is one of the best in the area, but he can't be with them at school and once they're taken, I doubt there's much he can do- especially in light of how dishonest CPS is. I spent most of yesterday researching CPS corruption in Arkansas and found a couple of cases in Texarkana (which really isn't much like Arkansas) and one or two in Little Rock which is a cesspool of corruption anyway. I couldn't find anything around the Ft. Smith area... but I'm still worried about the dishonesty of the social workers. If they were really interested in the kids well being, or in justice, they wouldn't have lied. This makes me very uneasy and I'm not sure what to do??? Any words of wisdom?

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