CPS & Me: It's Over- It's Over- It's Over... A Message Of Hope


[This is going to be short- I have some relaxing to do]

At 8:10 this morning my phone rang- it was the attorney, who said: "You can relax now Bubba, Judge Hewitt has dismissed all claims. I'm fixin to get ready for court and thought you would want to know right away." I asked if he thought they'd try again and he said, if they do we'll sue the shit out of them for harassment (his words). I feel like this is more than a personal victory, but a message of hope for us all... CPS can be beat. It cost $5000- $3000 for the Loser and $2000 in legal fees... a small price to pay to keep those precious babies safe. It does bother (but not surprise)me that the Loser's didn't offer a nickel- when her husband died he had one hell of an insurance policy and best I can figure she got something like $5 million.

I want to thank everybody for their prayers and support, especially Mark and Linda at @familyprotection for allowing me to continue to contribute. God Bless everyone. Together we can do it!!! I'll be back tomorrow.

Please join @familyprotection in their ongoing efforts to preserve families and keep children safe!

GIF by @papa-pepper


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