CPS & Me: The Hearing


I'm still shaking from court and don't even know where to start, so I think the best place is to thank everybody for their thoughts and prayers... they helped! Also to @familyprotection- reading posts by other people coupled with my research and personal experiences helped prepare me for today... almost. If I didn't know the people involved and particulars of the case, I would have thought they were reading from a prepared script. That being said, it could have gone better, but it also could have gone a lot worse!

I know that I'm not Rachel's biological father, but her own dad disowned her because of the Loser (and I almost see his point). I guess I'm the closest thing to a dad she has and to tell you the truth I felt like smacking her in the head with a 2X4! Her biggest concern was the Loser: "I love him and he's the father of the kids." Thank God I learned enough to get a lawyer. While Rachel was on the stand he kept looking at me like: "What the hell's wrong with that kid???" CPS, of course, lied their asses off. I told Judge Hewett that Diane, my ex, had Kayla from the time she was born up until about a year or so ago. So here's the long and short of what happened...

Kyler, my grandson who's 7 is with his other grandma- the Loser's mom. She has money and will take good care of him. When the youngest kids were born, Rachel and the Loser had the two older girls who were almost grown- they weren't planning on more. So Sylvia, the Loser's mom had Kyler most of the time anyway. Diane has Kayla which is good. She spent most of her life there anyway and now I get to see her when I want, so that's good. Diane works about 25-30 hours a week for not much money, so I said I'd help out. I guess I better get to writing my ass off!!!

We go back in 30 days for another hearing. By that time the Loser will have gone to court for his drug bust (I hope he gets 30 years). I gave the lawyer another $500 retainer in case CPS shows up at Diane's house. One good thing about Kayla being there is that the house is always immaculate. I told Diane not to let CPS there without the lawyer or somebody from his office there... I did this in front of the judge so he knows. Thank God I learned what I did from @familyprotection... when I had my problems over homeschooling, I was lucky- I didn't know better than to let them in.

Anyways, that's the story... Thank everybody again for all of their positive thoughts. This will work out somehow. I don't care if I have to stick up gas stations to keep those kids out of foster care! God Bless everybody... I think I'm going to try to get some sleep (it's been a rough couple of nights!)

Please support @familyprotection... They're more important than they even know!

GIF by @papa-pepper


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