Still Together

This is an update for anyone who read/upvoted/commented/prayed for me.

My husband and I disagreed about how to handle the CPS visit. I wanted to fight back and tell them to take a hike, my husband wanted to let them in. We went back and forth about it all day. Since we didn't know what was going to happen, I took this picture.


I should tell you what the concern is now so you get a better understanding of his reasoning. He is on probation. He takes my ADD medication sometimes. That is all! I told my mom. (aka the backstabbing self-rightous over imaginative over reactive meddling hypocrite) Either way that is breaking his probation and he was convinced he'd be going to jail one way or another. He thought because of his probation he should cooperate with the authorities. He was also convinced that the hammer would come down harder on us all if we didn't let them in and talk to them...

I respected his wishes and we let them in. Did they:

Ask tons of questions? Yes.

Search the house or ask for a tour? No.

Talk to my kids? My son.

Arrest my husband? No.

Take my kids away? Thank God no!

Question my ability to homeschool? Yes.

Suggest I am homeschooling to avoid truancy laws? Yes.

The police officer told him he had until the end of next week to make an appointment with a mental health professional and gave me a medication lock box. There will also be pill counts in the future.

The social worker said she has 60 days to determine whether or not the kids are safe. She's coming back Tuesday to talk to the rest of the children. The detective may or may not accompany her.

In the meantime I am seeking out legal services. I can't afford a lawyer, but I'm trying to find services for low income people. I will keep everyone up to date here on Steemit as this unfolds.

Edit: I can't find free lawyers for this kind of case in Wisconsin, but I found a website where I can consult with one, and he said to log all of my activities pertaining to the care, well being, and education of my children. Also to take pictures of the food in my fridge and pantry. I have started my log this morning.

Thank you @canadian-coconut, @fishyculture, @familyprotection, @joe.public, @anouk.nox, @enjoywithtroy, @markwhittam, @eco-alex, @kafkanarchy84, @thethreehugs, @apanamamama, @miklkent, @paradise-found, @jlsplatts, @boodles17, @janicechua, @crosheille, @lucylin, @bubke, @bowentroyer, @robertandrew, @thekittygirl, @nurhayati, @eftnow for your prayers and support. It meant a lot to me. Instead of commenting individually to all of you what happened, I decided to write this post and tag you. Hope you don't mind! :)

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤


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