They Nailed Us

I'm balling my eyes out right now. I don't even know where to start! I went to talk with the social worker and detective today at 8:30 this morning, and Jared went at 2:00 this afternoon.

We are seriously like nails being hammered!


The whole conversation is a blur. I chickened out on taping it. They asked if things are getting better and I told them that I made the calls needed to help Jared. We went around and around over a bunch of dumb questions. The social worker said that she was worried that if she drops the case, she would find out a couple months later that things are even worse. They couldn't understand why this whole thing is stressful on us. The police officer said that since Jared has been incarcerated before, the constant visits to watch us pee should be no more than a bit of an inconvenience...They asked how homeschooling is going and truth be told, I'm taking a break with everything that's going on.

They asked why I'm so resistant to their "services," and I told them what happened before when I went to them for "services". I told them how the tables were turned on me and there was a CHIPS order and they even took issue with my 3 year old wetting the bed. I had to jump through hoops just to keep my kids. Laura, the social worker, brought up submitting to voluntary services instead. I hesitated, and told her that I think things will just get better with time. That Jared's actually gotten worse since this all started. The police officer said that the more we resist services, the more they will be done to us. Laura asked if I would talk to Jared about it. I told her I would talk to him, and that I'd think about it as well.

I came home and told Jared about the meeting. He was to go meet them at 2pm. Jared pointed out that if we didn't submit, there would be a CHIPS (CHild In need of Protective Services) order, the whole court, a judge, a guardian ad litem, ect. We would be forced into these things anyway.

When he came back from his appointment, he said he agreed to getting voluntary services on behalf of both of us, and that Laura would draw up the paperwork, and come by to have us sign it tomorrow.

That's not even the worst part though.

After we took Naomi out of school, we stopped giving her her adhd medication. We refilled it one more time to help Jared. He functioned better when he took mine, and we thought it wouldn't hurt if he took hers since she wasn't taking it anymore. The detective searched out the prescription history, and found out that we refilled it after I said she wasn't taking it anymore.

The detective is putting in a recommendation to the DA that he presses charges on both of us for diverting medication. She said she has not yet determined if she will recommend that he presses charges on obstruction of justice for not being forthcoming about this. Jared asked her, "How does this help anyone!?" She told Jared there are consequences to actions. This kind of thing has never happened to me before. I can't believe this!!! That's when they sold him on a voluntary agreement...She said the DA is less likely to press charges if we have entered into a voluntary agreement... After Laura comes tomorrow to have us sign the papers, we will be switched to a social worker named Jill. Laura told Jared that Jill is great, and kind, she gets you stuff for your house when you need it, she mostly deals with voluntary services, and she is just a wonderful person. Oh I am so swept away by this description. Lollipops and rainbows from here on out.

Seriously, I am usually very sweet, but I must say, I am HATING my mom right now! I wonder if she realizes what she's done. I want her to die so I can spit on her grave, and I hope she finds this post so she can read this and DESPAIR. I am usually a peaceful person, but I have never felt so betrayed in my whole life. That STUPID BITCH! She is never seeing her grandkids ever again!!!!!!! Hope she's happy! Yes, out of character for me I know. I'm just sweet little snowpea, I love everyone! Push me like this though, and I go nuclear. FUCK HER! She's the one who started all this, and now I might be arrested on top of everything. You see, she didn't know about Naomi taking ADHD medication, because she was ardently against it when I had brought it up in the past, so I didn't tell her about it.


Now look what you've done mom! What about your husband and your son smoking pot? I almost want to name names. I almost want to call their employers and tell them. Then what??? Oh no the man you are in a relationship with because he supports you because you can't make it on your own, the man who abused us, the man who you don't even love...what happens if he loses his job? What will happen then? No more meal ticket for you! YOU DUMB BITCH!!!!

But I won't do that though. I will not fight evil with evil. What will I do? I will ignore you so hard, that you will wonder if you even exist. You call CPS out of one side of your mouth, and with the other side, "This would be a good weekend for the kids to spend the night!" Oh no, I am never trusting you again, I am never seeing you again, I am never talking to you again. You are a TWO-FACED, MANIPULATIVE, HYPOCRITICAL, OVER-IMAGINATIVE DEMONIC WASTE OF SKIN!

If you haven't already, you will come across my Steemit articles. HERE THEY ARE MOM! I would never do this to my own children!!! I would be understanding and helpful. I wouldn't throw them under the bus and try to destroy their loving family.

Yes, on top of all this, I might be arrested. Me. A non-criminal. As if my name hasn't already been dragged through the mud with this whole thing. I am in a vice here. There is no way out. I have to sign the papers.

This is what happens when you let them in. Nip it in the bud and stand up for your constitutional rights! Your rights are GONE when they step foot into your house! I've seen so many stories of CPS going away when you turn them away at the very first encounter! We did not do this! These are the consequences!!! They rake you over the coals and use any dirt they can find against you!! It doesn't matter if you're a good parent. It doesn't matter if you think you have nothing to hide! You may think, "Well I don't do this, or I don't do that!" They are doing their job, and their job is to scrutinize everything. If they don't find something, they will dig and dig, and dig. This is their job!!! Nobody is safe!!!!

Sorry for the rant.

Love, snowpea ❤

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