Going back into State custody for the second time

Arriving back home after a few months in State Custody

I had hoped when I got back to the neighborhood that things would have changed, that some how the man that raped me would have moved out of the neighborhood. But when I got back home the harassment continued. We lived with-in a mile of my school so I had to walk back and forth daily dodging those who kept wanting to jump me because I had said something to my former best friend.

I was able to dodge them for a few month till school let out

My mom worked and they would come over to my house banging on the doors and windows telling me to come out so they could kick my ass. This went on for a few weeks, I didn’t know who to turn too or what to do. I threatened to call the cops, but I was always to scared to, because I was afraid what would happen to my parents if the story came out to the cops. So when a friend decided to run away and asked me to go with her, I said yes.

She had ran away before out of state

My friend has been adopted when she was 6 years old and lived with her mother till she was placed up for adoption. By the time she was 12 or 13 years old she had ran away to another state to go live with her family in Tennessee. She even had an older boyfriend who lived down there and she arranged for him and his friend to come and get us.

So one night a few weeks later we ran away to Tennessee

We met up with her boyfriend and his friend and they too us to Tennessee. I look back now and think what the hell was I thinking, we were very lucky that they were not bad people anything could have happened to us being so young. We were gone two days when we were driving up a mountain in Tennessee and was in a very bad car accident. My heart stopped and the paramedics had to revive me. I woke up in the hospital pretty messed up. A fractured back, glass in my eye, a crack sternum, and broken ribs. Then on top of it I some how contracted Pink Eye.

My friend and I was both taken to the detention center till our parents picked us up.

We spent two days in the local detention center in Cookville, Tennessee waiting on our parents. Once they got us back home they were required to take us downtown, from there we were taken to the local detention center. Where I was released the following day because I had pink eye, and was placed on House arrest.

me and wendy.jpg
I was on house arrest in this photo, for running away that is my sister in the photo with me

Guess what happened?

My former best friend, her sister and some of their friends, started harassing me again. After a few months I had enough and broke my house arrest and ran away again. When I was picked up, I was picked up by an officer that was a friend of the family and I had known him nearly all my life. He looked at me and said “Honey, I know you and something serious has to be going on for you to be doing this tell me what has happened.”

I started crying and it was the first time I told someone in authority about what happened to me

For the next two hours I was questioned and gave the police my statement. I was then placed in a foster home. I only spent a week there before being moved because I ran away and turned myself in the next day because the home they placed me in, the father was a drunk and was hitting his wife. I knew it was a matter of time before abuse would start with me or one of the other foster kids that was in there. All the foster kids was removed from that home after an investigation.

I was then placed in a youth home called the YSB

The Youth Service Bureau was worse than a prison. Seriously you had to ask permission to do everything. I mean everything. You had to ask to do your homework, to go to the bathroom, to brush your teeth, to enter or leave a room. If you messed up they would lock you in a isolation room. I ran away from there after being locked up in isolation too many times, to be sent back there again, before taking off again I spent a total of 6 months there and 2 weeks the first time on the run and a month on the run before being caught . I felt at this point I was being punished for being raped.

I wanted them to place me back in the Delaware County Children’s home and finally they did

But what I wasn’t told was things were about to change. And so far I had escaped physical abuse in any of the placements. But there was the not properly vetted foster home and a place that isolates children. Isolation for adults can be bad enough but for a child it feels never ending and it can make you feel scared. The next part of the story will pick up here. Stay tuned for the rest of my story and experience in State Custody.

If you missed the first part of this story you can find it here @tecnosgirl/why-and-how-i-ended-up-in-state-custody


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