Part 2 - Survival (original fiction for steemit)

This is original #fantasy #fiction for steemit - Part one is here and Follow/Subscribe here.

Part 2

Sam could feel her life slipping away, everything was getting harder kicking her legs felt like they were submerged in mud. Scratching at the hand gripping her throat was achieving nothing, any attempt to focus her thoughts seemed an impossible task.

Beginning to accept that this was how she would meet her end, she felt a sudden calmness wash over her as she watched Ben scrambling towards her - she stopped kicking her legs and let her arms fall at her sides. She felt her hand brush the hilt of her sword and was immediately reminded of the shorter blade concealed on her lower right leg.

In one last attempt to salvage her life she raised her right knee and removed the short wide bladed knife from its scabbard. Unable to reach the body of her assailant who was grasping her from behind, she reached her arm up and over her shoulder and sliced along the invaders wrist as deep as she could force the blade to go.

Screaming out in anger and pain the giant man released the girl's neck with his right arm, but retained control of her small body by the fistfull of hair he still held. Unable to help himself whilst holding her he threw her violently to the ground, her body hit the forest floor with such force you could feel the vibration the impact caused.

Winded by the force of her own body impacting the ground she gasped for breath. Still clutching the knife she used to save her own life, she attempted to force her body up. Fighting for decent footing on the littered forest floor she stumbled over branches and roots that protruded from below.

Once back upright she turned to face her attacker, his wrist bleed freely dripping blood down his hand and falling from his limp fingers. His other arm however was readying his sword, ready to dispatch this nuisance once and for all.

At seeing this Sam to drew her own sword, now wielding both her knife and sword . The large man swung his massive blade toward the small girl as she ducked and rolled under his attack - as she rolled to her feet her blade followed through behind her and sliced along his upper right thigh.

Taken by surprise at the resilient nature of his foe, the large attacker again found himself wounded by the girl. He was enraged by his new pain and humiliation over being outmatched by such a young and small girl. He hurled his weapon towards her small frame and again and again she rolled and dodged the attacks.

Bleeding and limping from his injuries he struggled on, while Sam continued to dodge and repel his attacks whilst inflicting small but effective strikes against the bigger enemy. Ben finally arrived at the fight wielding a short sword, his focus split between the attacker and fear for his friend.

The attacker seized the moment of distraction as Ben entered the fray, lunging out with a massive sweeping blow of his long sword towards his new enemy. Ben fell backwards in shock at the sudden onslaught, just out of range of his first blow the large man knew this was his moment to strike, and again he swung his blade towards the now defenseless Ben.

The large attacker had momentarily lost track of his original opponent, Sam moved in behind the lunging man and with her long curved sword she cut along the back of both his ankles. His soft leather boots did nothing to protect the tendons that resided there, he fell mid-swing to his knees and screamed out in agony - unable to move.

Sam moved up behind her would-be killer and with the short blade she still held in her grasp, forced it deep through the side of his throat until it exited the other side and then kept pushing forwards - severing the front half of the large mans throat allowing him to bleed out she pushed his body away to the side and moved to where Ben sat looking on in horror.

"Get up.. Ben now ... we have to go!" screamed Sam.

To be continued..

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