Part 7 - The Kawahlin (original fiction for steemit)

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Part Seven

"Ben.. Where is he? Is he alright?" Sam shouted in panic at the realisation her companion was missing.

"Ben is currently disposing of the body of a young scout he just killed"

The voice replied without emotion. "What do you mean? Ben has never killed anyone."

"He didn't want to kill the young boy, he even thought about letting him go. His mind was overwhelmed by emotions, but one emotion proved too strong to be ignored - Fear of his actions bringing you to harm."

"Why would Ben be worried about me?" puzzled by the statement the ethereal voice had made.

"You have been unconscious for several hours now, Ben has never strayed far from your side until now."

"Until now, where is he? And where am I if I'm not really here?" her tone filled with concern for both Ben and herself.

"He is smart this boy, he is taking every possible precaution with your safety - he is currently hiding the body of the dead scout. Covering his track as he goes, he continues on in spite of his fear of leaving you alone - He is unaware I am here watching over both of you."

"Why haven't you told him you were here or helped him with the scout?" Sam angrily accused the still unseen conversationalist.

"I haven't helped him for two reasons, firstly I wanted to see if he was capable enough to join us on our journey and secondly - I wasn't sure how he'd react when he saw me."

"Weren't sure how he'd react?" Sam questioned at the ambiguity of the statement "And what journey?"

"I told you before I am a Kawahlin, Hana sent me to protect and watch over you. Surely you know you can't stay here, we have to travel a great distance even by my kind's standards - this is a journey we must make together."

"I know Ben and I must leave, you however, I am not yet certain should be joining us - Your kind? what is a Kawahlin exactly? Why haven't you shown yourself to me yet?" Sam asserted feeling slightly more in control of her outer body experience.

The winds began to pick up and Sam thought she noticed something moving through the sea of flowers far off in the distance, it was heading towards her at a steady pace. As it grew closer with each stride the form grew in size, Sam could now make out a long tail rising above the tops of the flowers.

As the form came closer still it's size continued to grow, now two pointed ears rose above the flower line along with the long tail and still the form continued its long approach. Sam began to feel uneasy as the figure was still so far away and with each step its size was increasing exponentially - By the time it would arrive at Sam's side it would be massive.

The form could now be seen with basic definition, it appeared to be a cat albeit the size of a large dog at present. Each graceful step bringing the ever expanding cat closer, flowing through the flowers like water - it's tail swaying delicately above its body.

Sam realising what was unfolding before her "You're a cat?" she half laughed the question as she blurted out the obvious. Suddenly the sun seemed to fade behind dark grey clouds in an instant, lightening streaked the blackened sky and thunder boomed and echoed inside Sam's head.


Came the response, cold and almost menacing, the cat started to run leaping through the field of flowers faster with each stride growing larger with every footfall. Now larger than a horse, it continued faster still - heading straight towards Sam's small frame. Still slightly insulted from Sam's poor choice in term the Kawahlin continued, the sweet tones of her voice fading fast.

"I am not just a mere cat, I am Kushkakatinka of the ancient royal bloodline of the Kawahlin. I am regarded as royalty amongst my kind and we are revered, as one of the last ancient lines left on our world - and one of the most powerful to have ever existed."

The cat continued to leap through the field, now larger than the legendary elephants of the West - Instead of being slowed by the massive size the cat appeared to move faster. Sam, forgetting the apparent insult she had made marveled at the beauty of the Kawahlin.

Her beautiful coat shimmered in the lightning, mostly cream and black and yet the colours seemed to change and reflect back different colours at the same time. Her large ears were pointed and crested with long tufts of fur, she had a thick coat of unusual fur that appeared more like blades than strands. With brilliant blue eyes that were like crystal, reflected back the light with an amazing translucent glow.

The cat was now a single leap from Sam who stood in abject wonder, the cat leapt forward to land directly in front of the tiny bewildered girl.

Piercing blue eyes stared down at the amazed teen. Sam met the gaze and was at a loss for words, "I.. didn't know, you're.. unlike anything I've ever seen." The intense blue eyes continued to focus upon the small girl, but all she could do was stare back in amazement trying to take in all of the giant Kawahlin.

"I never meant any offence Kushkata.. I'm sorry how do I say your name properly?" she asked in fear of offending the giant feline further.

"My name is Kushkakatinka, however your sister simply calls me Kushka, you may also."

"I am sorry Kushka, you just took me by surprise I have heard of the great cats on the Western plains but it is said they only grow to be the size of a small horse. I never expected that a cat could talk either!" Sam stepped back trying to take in all of the gigantic Kawahlin.

"I am not speaking as you would believe I am communicating directly with your mind, there is no need for words. The great cats of the western plains are our ancient descendants, though they do not possess any of the abilities of the Kawahlin."

"You're magnificent, but if you're watching over us how come Ben hasn't seen you?" Sam questioned her new acquaintance.

"As a Kawahlin, I am only seen when I choose to be seen. I remained unseen on the forest border to your kingdom for months, using camouflage and if needed controlling people's minds to make them believe nothing was there."

Accepting this new information Sam pressed further "All I have ever known was the Kingdom of the East, I know we must leave but where will we go?"

"We must continue south for now, your sister asked me to take you to the Naturians. They will be able to tell us where to go next, but as Hana's sister your life is in danger - we won't be able to stay in one place for too long."

"The Naturian's?" Sam questioned "I have never heard mention of them before, who are they?" Sam asked trying to keep up with the sudden flow of information.

Kushka seemed to pause for a short time as if she were distracted momentarily, then the giant form focussed on Sam.

"I have to go, Ben needs my help."

She stated vanishing from in front of Sam instantly.

"Wait" Sam called out a moment too late and she was again alone in the field of flowers.

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