When does Science Fiction take itself too seriously?

Don't get me wrong, I like and thoroughly enjoy both Westworld from the US and Humans from the UK.

Both series are very adult orientated scifi and deserve to be taken seriously - But are they taking themselves too seriously?

In Westworld, a TV series somewhat based on the much older novel and movie Westworld - takes place in an upscale adult amusement park with an Old West motif - And the visitors can have 'fun' interacting with the lifelike androids there for their amusement.

Yes, it works well as a sci-fi theme, and as I said is meant to be and should be taken seriously - But my question to you who have seen it is - Is it taking itself too seriously? Heavy concepts and drama is expected - But as I watched it, and being a lifelong sci-fi fan, I kept wondering if the writers and directors were getting too serious - Another words a fantasy concept trying to be more real than real!

I'll stay tuned, they say we might have to wait till 2018 for season two of Westworld - I suppose the writers, directors, actors, etc. need a year break to recover from Season One - See what happens when you take your Science Fiction too seriously!!!

This same critique applies to "Humans" - the very excellently done British sci-fi series again, like Westworld, covering the concepts of advanced AI and robotics producing very life-like androids often indistinguishable from flesh and blood Humans.

In the series "Humans" they have created what they call a 'Synth' {synthetic human} that you can buy for home use - It does everything from clean house, cook, be nanny to the kids, and if its a female version sleep with your husband - You can see problems already, right? But those are minor - The real problems begin when the 'synths' begin to think for themselves {ie. become conscious] - As you can well imagine many Humans find this most disturbing -
And that of course is what makes this series most interesting.
Personally I like it better than Westworld - And, talking again about serious - Can you take synthetic Human like androids designed to help Humans more seriously that an amusement park android such as those in Westworld?

What do you think?


Westworld Trailer (HBO) - MATURE VERSION

Humans Trailer


Well science fiction fans I do suggest you watch both of these excellent sci-fi series {th're both ongoing}

And, for those of you who have already seen one or both of them, what do you think?

I say well done, yes! But, the big question is - Are they too serious for their own good?
Can science fiction take itself too seriously?

-AlienView writing in 'ourworld'

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