FARMS: The Melon, Delicious Fruit / Helps to Lose Weight and to Take Care of Health.

Greetings my beloved community of farms, in this beautiful morning I got up and I thought ... What I'm going to eat in breakfast ???? And immediately I saw a melon in the fridge and prepared a delicious fruit salad. And that is why today I will talk about the melon and in this way we will know more about its properties, benefits for the organism, and cultivation.

By @dulce85

The melon is a very delicious fruit, refreshing, moisturizing and with a sweet flavor, which belongs to the family: Cucurbitaceae and its scientific name is: Cucumis melo L. This presents different forms (spherical, elliptical, ovate, etc.); and the bark can vary in colors: green, yellow, orange, white, etc., and its external texture can be smooth, reticulated or striated.

By @dulce85

Which provides many benefits and nutritional properties that help our body when we consume it. It has a high water content and is excellent for girls who like to keep fit, as it works as a diuretic and laxative, this helps us lose weight naturally and quickly, in 5 days you can lose about 2 kilos; so ... tlet o do diet and eat melon.


Melon Properties

When consuming this fruit, it contributes to our organism a series of nutrients that will help us to maintain a healthy life, which will vary according to the type and quantity of the fruit ingested. Thanks to the nutritional values ​​that characterize it, the melon has several beneficial properties for the health of the body; that is why we should enjoy this sweet and refreshing fruit. It is recommended to eat it naturally without submitting it to any type of process.

And what do you not guess? It has natural antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which plays an important role in the stop of aging cells, so avoid costs for rejuvenation treatments, and so we will remain very beautiful.


Benefits of Melon Consumption to our health

There is a great amount of benefits that allow to maintain the good health of our body if we consume this fruit regularly; Here are some of the main benefits for our body:

  • Provides large amounts of fiber that help improve digestion and constipation.
  • It provides nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
  • It reduces the levels of bad cholesterol.
  • Avoid liquid retention.
  • It helps reduce cellulite.
  • It reduces the aging of the skin and mucous membranes due to its high amount of antioxidants.
  • Improve our vision.
  • Controls heart rate and blood pressure.


There is a wide variety of types of melon among them I can mention the following

Toad Skin Melon: Shape slightly round, its flesh is yellowish, compact and crunchy. Sweet flavor, refreshing, with lots of water and aromatic.


Ogen Melon : It is a very juicy and aromatic melon. Your skin may be dark green or yellow with stripes. The pulp is white.


Tendral Melon: It has a slightly round oval shape, with thick and asurcada skin, of a dark green color. White meat, consistent and very sweet.


Galia Melon : They have a spherical shape, their skin is green and when they reach maturity they turn bright yellow. White pulp, slightly greenish.


Yellow melon: This type of melon is yellow, we can usually get it in two colors: Yellow Canary and Golden Yellow. The first is more oval and somewhat longer. The skin of the fruit is smooth and yellow in maturity, without writing. The pulp is white, crispy and sweet.


Honey Dew Melon: It has a grainy yellow green skin and its pulp is white. It can be grown in dry and warm climates, with smooth or striated skin.


How to plant and grow Melons?


  • To plant a melon, the first thing we must do is verify that the climate and temperature of our city is appropriate for this type of crop, and that they fall within this range: minimum temperature of 17 to 20 ° C and the maximum 28 to 30 ° C.
    Additionally, we must condition and fertilize the land where we are going to carry out the planting.
    Search and select a good seed of this fruit. The seeds (we can buy them or extract them from a melon). In my case I am going to extract them from the melon because it is much cheaper me to select my seeds.

  • Once extracted seedsfrom the melon, I place them in the sun to dry and remove the moisture; then I wait 15 days approximately and when it validates that they are well dried, I proceed to carry out the sowing.

  • Then we make furrows keeping a distance of 2 meters between them so that the plants can grow and develop without problems.

  • The furrows should not be too deep for the seed to be born more easily.

  • In each furrow we put 3 to 5 seeds, we cover them with earth and we throw them a little water to help them germinate.

  • The seeds will germinate in a period of 10 to 15 days.

  • Humid soil should be kept preferably through the drip irrigation technique, do not drink plenty of water because this is a plant very sensitive to waterlogging, it rots, which is why it is usually planted in the summer season.

By @dulce85

The melons will be harvested depending on the type of melon, each one has a specific time for maturation; however, this period ranges between 90 and 120 days after sowing. However, everything will depend on the growing conditions and growing season.


I recommend using a gardening scissors to cut the melons, in this way we do not mistreat the plant an the fruit.

hope you are encouraged to plant melons, it is worth harvesting this type of fruit that helps us stay healthy. I hope you like my publication ...

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