
A vegetable widely used in our kitchens is the eggplant, the vegetable of characteristic purple color that can be used in many dishes, since there are many ways to cook aubergines. However, many times when going to buy them at the store or supermarket, we find some aubergines at exorbitant prices or even that do not look too good.
To solve this, you can plant them yourself in the garden or garden and save yourself a little money, while knowing first hand how they have been addressed. So you can do it easily and quickly, at we explain how to grow eggplants.



Eggplant seeds
Tray or container
Sunny place
Spade or hoe


To grow aubergines, it is better to do it with transplanted seedlings, that is, the young plant that comes out soon after sprouting from the seed. In this way, the first step will be to create a seedling ourselves or buy it in a horticulture or gardening center.

If we want to do the planting at home, we should look for a sufficiently deep container or tray and make some holes in the bottom, which should serve as drainage systems.

The next step will be to fill the container with soil for planting that must be sufficiently fertilized. The best time to make the eggplant seedbed is in the month of March, at the beginning of spring, keeping the trays in a sheltered and warm place or in a greenhouse.
Next, we must sow the aubergine seeds by sprinkling them on the surface of the tray or container.

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of earth and carefully water them so that the water does not get flooded. You should irrigate frequently but not abundantly, as the seedlings could rot due to excess water.
When the shoots have reached a height of about 7-8 cm, you should remove them from the tray with caution so as not to damage the roots. However, you must maintain high soil moisture throughout the plant growth cycle, for proper growth.

Find a sunny place and protected from frost in your garden or orchard and prepare the ground to transplant the shoots. With the help of a spade or hoe, go digging holes in the earth to insert the seedling.

The collection of eggplants will be done once the vegetables are ripe -the color and hardness will indicate it- and they have a considerable size.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to cultivate aubergines, we recommend you to enter our category of Gardening and plants.



Potato beetle. In the form of caterpillar it devours the leaves. Remedy: manual collection of adults, eggs (on the underside of the leaves) and caterpillars, or if these exceed us apply Bacillus.


It is very common for the red spider to visit horticultural fruit crops, such as eggplant. In this case, the problem begins when we see small or tiny discolorations on the leaves of our crop. Some yellowish spots (small little dots that can be seen with the naked eye). If you pick up a magnifying glass, you can see with relative ease some tiny red spiders located on the back. A foliar drying and a loss to half a plate, damages in the fruit and in the peduncle will be observed.
In severe attacks, you can see a web of cobweb that covers almost the entire crop.
It appears especially in the periods that the plant is in greenhouse. Remedy: it can be wetted at night by sprinkling to maintain humidity, prevent with the decoction of horsetail, or as a direct fight natural insecticides can be used.


White fly. Remedy: spray the underside of the leaves with 1% potassium soap with rain or distilled water. Damage is caused by both larvae and adults, causing yellowing of the leaves, including loss of leaf mass. In addition, on the molasses that the larvae secrete, the bold color can develop. The damages in fruit are produced as much by the segregated molasses as by the bold.


Oídio. White spots appear at the end of the harvest and are associated with excess moisture. Remedy: as a precaution, install a drip irrigation system and apply horsetail, when the plant is affected, cut the old and affected leaves.


Try not to expose the plant to the cold directly, as it is quite sensitive.


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