snail farming benefits and farming techniques

Snail farming is thought to be a standout amongst the most lucrative agribusiness you can begin with low capital. However, it is a standout amongst the most dismissed creature raising business in these nations. Snail farming gives one of the best chance to profit inside a brief timeframe. In any case, why people are not yet completely occupied with this cash making business venture? The reason is lack of information and ignorance.

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  • Achatina Fulica
  • Achatina
  • Archachatina Marginata

Appropriate Environment for Snail Farming

Snails are effortlessly got dried out, and wind increment the rate of dampness free in snail which thusly, prompts the dryness of the creature. To keep snails from losing water so rapidly, your snaileries (the snail house) must be situated in condition that is shielded from wind.

Kind of Soil For Snail Farming

Snail's real territory is the dirt, and soil contains a portion of the segments and compound substances that it expected to survive. Be that as it may, not all dirts are reasonable for snail raising. The shell of the snail is basically calcium and it get a large portion of them from the dirt. Snail additionally lay it's eggs on the dirt and drink water out of the dirt.
Thus, the reasonable soil for snail farming must contain these components.

Getting The Sails For Farming

To fire up a snail farm, it is fitting to get snails specifically from the woods as opposed to purchasing from the market after they have been presented to daylight and have got dried out. This is on account of snails drink a great deal of water, so are effectively dried out and this worries them, and diminish their ripeness limit.
The aiming snail farmer could pick the snails from the shrub with an extremely basic strategy; clear a little bit of land amid blustery season and sprinkle fiery organic products like pineapple, pawpaw, plantain, banana and so on at around 5o'clock at night, when you return there around 7pm or 8pm, you will get snails reasonable for raising. Rehash the method until the point when you get enough amount.


Another way could be to get snail eggs littered in the commercial center where it is sold and through a system, check the fruitfulness of the eggs, since some of them more likely than not lost richness because of the presentation to daylight. The eggs are later put inside a compartment containing wet sand and secured with cocoyam leaf. Between 21 to 28 days, the eggs would bring forth into child snails. You begin bolstering them and progressively you raise a snail farm."

Building the Snail House (Snailery)

Snaileries can fluctuate from a fix of fence-ensured ground, shielded from the breeze to a secured confine on the off chance that you are reproducing little scale.
For bigger populace of snails, you can burrowed a trench or make a solid pen with soil profound of around 10 inches, and cover it with screen or wire all around to keep the snails from getting away. Keep in mind that snails can repeat quick and move toward becoming bugs when their reproducing is uncontrolled.
Snails love dim and chilly places, however ensure the dampness does not drop to levels unsafe to the snails. You can utilize crisp leaves and material that is frequently wet to manage the temperature.

Likewise, the wire is helpful in warding off rats and winds or different predators from eating the snails in your snail farm. In any case, beside these greater predators, you ought to be vigilant about littler ones like ants and termites. Your development must have these predators at the top of the priority list.

Snail Food and Feeding

Snails particularly Achatina principally bolsters on green leaves and natural products however they can use different scopes of sustenances. Feed your snails leaves, natural products, or even recipe from the feed store. Beside sustenance to develop tissues, snails require calcium to develop shells.



  • Cocoyam leaves
  • pawpaw leaves
  • okra leaves
  • cassava leaves
  • eggplant leaves
  • cabbage
  • lettuce takes off.

Natural products:

  • Mango,
  • eggplant,
  • pawpaw,
  • banana,
  • tomatoes,
  • oil palm organic products,
  • pears.
  • cucumber.



It isn't financially savvy to collect your snails previously it's development, it must be developed before reaping. To know whether your snails are now sufficiently developed, check the overflow of the shell. On the off chance that it is sufficiently developed, the overflow ought to be thicker and harder than different parts of the shell.

Try not to gather all the developed snails without a moment's delay for the market. It is vital to keep few for rearing and to fill in as base stock for your snail farm.


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