SuperGirl In A Luxury Cape (Original Blog)

Harmony loves her new cape. If it was her choice, she would take it to bed and use it as a blanket because it's so soft and warm. Haha Supergirl is ready to save the world, from Alaska to Timbuktu.

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Harmony is always showing her happiness and thankfulness for each day. We can't afford to waste any moments, because time and love in this life are precious.

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My Little Dreamer💭💭💭 Good Morning Sunshine!!!

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Harmony is happy sends her love and happiness to everyone.

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Harmony has been refusing to nap, so it's been nonstop playtime and action for her. There she goes again off exploring lol

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Another favorite sound of Harmony's is the crunching of the Autumn leaves beneath the rolling wheels of the bugaboo stroller. It gives her a sense of calm and happiness.

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We can all be thankful for someone and something in our life. Harmony lights up my world and melts my heart with her sweetness

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Fashion:Babyootd| cape

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