~*~Steemit Exclusive New Photoshoot For My Clothing, Jewelry and Hand Made Knife Line~*~

I haven't done to much for my fashion lines besides SteemGear in the last 4 months due to SteemFest and the Steem Vortex of which is so awesome!

@truelovelives wants to work on her photography skills so we put together this photo shoot featuring clothing, jewelry and a knife from my line. 

For anyone who doesn't know I was a model in Hollywood for about a year living on Hollywood Blvd before awakening to real purpose and the nature of the universe. 

Of course I also realized how fucked up the industry is so dropped it all and instead went on a spiritual pilgrimage for a few years giving up all my possessions, jobs, friends and everything to focus inward on the infinite potential of the universe. 

That was over 15 years ago and I have never regretted it. However thats a long story for another time!

Now I live a VERY sustainable life, I haven't bought food at a grocery store, gas station or restaurant in 15 years, I don't shop at stores and  I didn't even buy my children Christmas or birthday presents. I don't go to events or basically spend money but instead feed, clothe, shelter and educate people. I run my "businesses" to help other people and built the world I want to see. 

I do however still love fashion, aesthetics, photography, lighting, angles and the many facets that go into photography and fashion design. 

So instead of being a part of a world I didn't agree with I have created my own. I founded The Garden of Eden over 8 years ago and have since started my own clothing line "Epic Threads" Jewelry Line "Medicinal Jewelry" and knife line "Epic Hand Made Knives" as well as other operations which I won't list here for relevancy. 

In this photoshoot I feature clothing, jewelry and a knife from these lines!

I am particularly fond of the knives and often refer to them as art blades or wearable art. That is actually how I see fashion, I see it as art. I find it far more rewarding and practical that something that sits on a shelf or hangs on a wall. 

I have designed knives so that I have one to match every outfit! As you can see this one matches nicely. 

Anyways wanted to give you some insight into a little bit of what I do and share some of that here with you all on Steemit!

In closing it is possible to have our work be our play and to create the life of our dreams rather than settle for drudgery or mediocracy. I wish you the best on that journey. 

Also maybe more relevant to all you here on Steemit is my SteemGear Fashion Line of which I started about a year ago and have already designed about 100 unique hand made items! I just posted a new Steemit Exclusive Photoshoot the other day that I did while in Portugal for SteemFest!

If you want to check out a catalog post I did on Steemit a while pack highlighting a bunch of different hand made custom SteemGear pieces including shirts, pants, hats and more you can find that here. 

~*~Here you can find a list of lots of the SteemGear I have designed and already done photoshoots for~*~

Here is the first SteemGear photoshoot I ever did, and it may still be the coolest one: 1 Year Ago I Started My New Fashion Line "Epic SteemGear" Here is the Very First Photo Shoot From The Beginning~*~

Photography is maybe my favorite art because in this time it is such a useful tool for valuable snaps of life from around the world. The more we share the faster we evolve~*~

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is high at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem to continue my perfect record of cashing out ZERO $teem nor ever powering down, thus powering up!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!


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