Here is my sketch for my own suggested 10 minute #freecreate.
Here is the computer generated haiku I used as my prompt:
Bone - A Haiku
by donna davis
Meandering thoughts
A long, languishing bone sleeps
into the seaweed
I like how when reading this your brain at first wants to read 'sleeps' as 'slips' and thus gives a dual tone to the feel of the haiku.
My proposed weekly response to the query of @sndbox to "explore a new technique for engaging your followers" is as follows:
The 10 minute free create time to produce a creative piece in your own creative medium (art, song, photo, writing) after creating a Haiku with the computer.
I have to say this idea was born of two ideas:
The first being my own inspirationwhen a haiku bot took one of my comments here on Steemit and made it into a haiku. This inspired me to make a drawing to accompany this randomly occurring event.
Secondly, I love the 5 minute freewrite that @mariannewest has been doing for sometime now on Steemit. I once participated creating a character in that five minute of writing that I later used as a prompt to do a few art pieces.
This idea of a prompt or a self-induced moment of creation without the stress of overthinking has been on my mind of late.
And when I saw this first suggestion to find a new way to engage us all in our posts, I thought it'd be a great idea.
How I'd like anyone to respond and join in is as follows:
Go to this haiku generator and follow the prompts which is to simply provide 6 words in the fields and then it will generate a haiku 'by you'. Take that haiku and make a 10 minute timed piece of art (draw, song, photo, another writing).
Or, if you don't want to do that step, simply use the haiku generated for me above as the prompt.
Either way the goal is to use a random stimulus to stir your creativity and the timer of 10 minutes is to free us from the pressure to create a "masterpiece" or "our best work ever".
I used to love the 5 and 1 minute sketches in Life Drawing classes as it always allowed you to find the lines and movement quickly, almost taking your conscious mind out of it for a moment.
To find that sweet spot where creativity dwells between the conscious and subconscious.
Now the explanation of my drawing/poem:
In my own current obsession of the Singularity (and in my artwork series of that name) I have been constantly considering A.I. and our continual move towards 'digital living'. There is a bit of that in this haiku generator: that we are giving the 'machine' our key words and it is taking that and being creative for us.
I am sure it is probably a simple algorithm, but none the less there is a bit of 'man and the machine' about it that rather intrigues me, so I hope you'll see the fun and future in that.
My representation of "the sleeping bone" was of course a human hybrid skull. I'm in my Singularity mode, so it was my first response to the generated haiku.
I hope you will participate.
Even if you want to just use the haiku I generated as the prompt or if you go over or under the 10 min timer, please give it a go and share it below in the comments. Link it to your post (if you choose to post about it) You can also simply do it and put it in the comments, again low stress high creativity.
I was thinking we could use the hashtag #freecreate in the future to sort of collect them together as a kind of steemit gallery wall where we are placing these.
I pictured how cool this could be IRL in a gallery setting with a screen open to the generator and people create a haiku and then use a post it note to draw their representation of it and stick it to a wall. It would be such an interesting community art piece combining man and machine. But, for now, the #freecreate could be our digital steemit wall.
Well, I've rattled on long enough and if you are still with me I hope you will participate.
Thank you again @sndbox for allowing me to be in your current group of new cohorts and congratulations to my fellow cohorts. I will be trying to engage in all your ideas for this weeks question as they appear.