THE BECHDEL CON(TEST): does your favorite film pass? 3SBD on the line!

Calling all film buffs and feminists! I have a contest for you that will pay 1SBD to the 3 top entries. (Or more! If this post goes viral I’ll share the love.)

Image by Girl Starter

The Bechdel Test examines whether women in films are portrayed as three-dimensional human beings with a range of lived experience and interests that do not revolve around men. The primary criteria for a film to pass the test are:

(1) it has to have at least two women in it

(2) who talk to each other

(3) about something besides a man.

Image by Girl Starter

The test was popularized by Alison Bechdel's comic Dykes to Watch Out For, in a 1985 strip called The Rule. For a nice video introduction to the subject please check out The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies on

If you want to know more, check out and see what they have to say!

Image by Girl Starter

Now the rules of the contest!

Write a post about your favorite film that passes The Bechdel Test. Your post should:

  1. Feature a high-quality film that you actually love. This is subjective, but please don’t randomly select a movie. Choose something with merit and quality.
  2. Feature a film that has at least one strong, female lead!
  3. Tell us why you love this film!
  4. Tell us why you believe this film passes The Bechdel Test.
  5. Show us a glimpse of the movie, either through images or video.
  6. Feature the tag #bechdelcontest (doesn’t have to be primary tag!)

Once it’s done, please submit your post by leaving the link here in the comments! This is the only way I will accept submissions. :) Cutoff for submissions is Thur, Feb 22.

Image by Girl Starter

The top 3 authors will each receive 1SBD (or more, depending on the success of this post!) and be featured in a “contest roundup” post on my page next Friday.

I will also comment and upvote on every qualifying submission. Good luck, I can’t wait to watch some new movies!

Image by Girl Starter


Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by, I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m an artist, writer, and creative consultant based in the Pacific Northwest. I see steemit as an incredible asset to artists and creatives as a way to share their work and connect with like-minded people. You can check out my intro post, read more about the theatre projects I work on, or follow me! I’m especially interested in finding other performing artists on this site. If that’s you, please say hello! See you around the steemosphere! @lilyraabe


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