5 Blockchain dudes That Give Me Hope (For Gender Equality) #womenspeakout de limabeing- UNO

What? Yes. You heard me right. yeah yeah im gonna talk up feminist idols and my beliefs and my struggles as a woman later... but I really wanted to start this on a slightly less obvious note


okay maybe I will use this memeish thing

Some of you may know that I lead a group call #teamgirlpowa .We are growing, living fiercely, and learning from each other not to mention taking the blockchain by rainbows and lightning . We are from every continent (except antarctic, lol); spanning 4 + belief systems; feminist and non; an array of gender identified persons; from a variety of backgrounds and with skills ranging from engineering to mediating to researching to arting and of course badazz parenting (and more!)

Due to this we often discuss and come up with ideas for the blockchain that highlight out diversity and POWA . ;) Thus the wise, energetic, and poised mama-to-be @esaia.mystic came up with what is now called #womenspeakout : spearheded by the adorable, intelligent, and strong mom @katrina-ariel

I WAS PUMPED. Yet, also intimidated. :S I'm only recently diving into being a moderately serious adult. At first, I made a bunch of silly memes and plotted to crack everyone up. I also was gonna rant. Then I was gonna do some opinionated mic-droppin but I'm sitting here listening to QUEEN BEY and thinkin, nah. Lets leave out the magic tricks and just shoot from the boobs (if I had a gun it would be in a boob holster but thats the last joke ima make). How could a single, barely spiritual, messy, dramatic, openly half-assed, aggressively empathic mad women SPEAK OUT among these goddess waves?

OH. Right. talk about MEN. :D

Blockchain Dude #1: The official TGP vocal, straight, white(ish) feminist

I didn't do any drawrings but let me tell ya, this guy is a character. Well if you think the characters is a very patient, friendly, highly educated author, editor, and publisher that has done his homework about modern women..

I first began following @didic as a partner of @techslut but I increasingly enjoyed his responses. This was the first guy I saw on the blockchain openly supporting intersectional feminist beliefs and actually attempting to reach other men on the subject. Needless to say hes a pretty good writer and I can't stop singing his praises. Since we brought him in to girl powa he has brought up feminist authors, shared work by other women, and showed up for a number of events and meetings simply to support us. I joke that everyone should give him cookies, but seriously if I ever end up over there I plan to bring a couple batches (yes @techslut dear you and the rest of your family can have some too :P)
it started with @didic/how-to-succeed-with-women-with-hamilton-gifs inspired by techslut but still... hehe..

Blockchain Dude #2: My Curie Mentor, Musician, Crypto-Trader, and Epic Stay-At-Home Dad

I probably don't have to explain much cuz he's kind of a big deal in many circles (mostly the circles in his head but still..). Actually character doesn't even cover this guy. He is enigmatic, effervesent, and I hope his amazing wife @dilemma doesn't mind me saying: super adorable. He has brought in so many amazing women to team girl powa as well as mentoring me to put more SBDs in my pocket (thats pretty much supporting women directly right there). Additionally Carl recently wrote this amazing post about his experience and acceptance of being moved to tears @carlgnash/tears-for-steem-a-true-story

Blochain Dude #3 - Surprisingly not evil corporate henchman
Jared came into Team Girl Powa with a BANG! he was looking for our input for his next project to support women and girls through blockchain technology!! wow. We set up an interview on GirlPowaRadio and and a full on brainstorm in which he not only listened but promised to take the ideas back to his team and meet with us again. Before , during, and after the interview I razzed him a lot but he was unphased. He told us about how his company has been moving towards solid efforts in gender equality, and supporting a number of women-focused charities. He himself thinks that feminism is a no brainer for many reasons including making sure his daughter grows up in world where she has freedom, choices, and equal respect for her efforts/skills.
He doesn't have any overtly pro-women or tradition challenging work on steemit yet* but look.. his photography is beautiful (psst okay so his wife shhh)

Blockchain Dude # 4- Sensitive, Open, Intelligent, Musician, Mother of Quails, and BusinessDude

I believe @MenO and I started talking due to silly chats in MSP. I honestly can't remember. But he was a really good friend and listened to me rant a few times when I was having trouble dealing (as I often do). Not only did he listen but he let me tell him when I felt he was thinking within the construct of patriarchal society. Sounds like a low standard to have but honestly it means a lot for a woman like me. I'm much more emotionally expressive and easily frustrated than your average angry feminist (that is, i give a lotta fux about what people think. oops) He taught me about "mental ninja" through his story about his erm friends mom who taught him to stop being a bully. He has delegated to quite a few people, myself included -- i think specifically because he knows that I aim to support women and the lgbtqnb community. Thats just a guess though. HE WAS actually one of the very first members of #teamgirlpowa (although he's never actually visitied us-- @ankapolo has! Still waiting for @MenO to full on wave the #fuckthepatriarchy flag but who knows... maybe this will inspire him?

Blockchain Dude #5 - YUyu Enrique (name speaks for self)
Since I began attempting to speak spanish to this vibrant and loving man I have to finally admit: I have a huge crush on him. Sorry. Not sure if he knows that and it might sound silly but heres why: He sees me. He enjoys my words. He respects me. And he does the same for everyone but mostly a lot of women. He makes art of his female friends because he sees the beauty in their souls even if they are a part-time angry crazy girl. We haven't fully discussed feminism but he has a lot of female friends that he openly supports both on his blog and as friends on discord.


awesome dudes i should mention @lunaticmoon @kofpato @martinsanders @nathenial @zofcamb @anaman @abh12345 @akmalbastaman @ah2002 @guiltyparties some times @edumurphy ...sometimes... I should also mention @poet although I hope thats not an insult.

there are more AND... I want all of these amazing men to join in THIS CHALLENGE. YES. I'm officially giving you permission to use #womenspeakout n i won't get mad and throw a tantrum.
it could be your mom, your little sister, @techslut (ok not everyone can say that @techslut is their role model. ) or maybe that really badass cartoon character that is more than her boobs.
get creative.
Get some tissues.
Let it out.
with your love and respect
women with fire in their soul...

As Always

Lima Being aka Capn GirlPowa


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