Fiftywords: Broken By Avalanche

This short story is an entry for #fiftywords initiative, maintained by @jayna for this week due to @miniature-tiger hiatus. Prompt for this week is"Bark." I spent a long time writing this, and playing with the word count to make it exactly 50 words, but I like the final result.

Here we go:


Broken By Avalanche

Legs got stuck between rocks and too cold to feel my hands, I lifted my heavy head to look at the trees broken by the avalanche.

"I won't die here." I rejected the possibility my mind accepted.

Just then, I heard a retriever bark. "I will survive this storm."

The End

Any idea to improve the story?

I'll be pleased to hear them even if they'd make the story length gets past the 50 words limit.

Image is used by a Creative-Commons licence. taken from Unsplash.
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