Automaton Oligarchy -- a 50 word short

I've seen many members of The Writer's Block having some fun with fifty word short stories lately, and @Jayna is hosting the latest prompt using the word "bark." This is my first go at a fifty word short, and I gotta say it's a good bit of fun!

Automaton Oligarchy

Surrounded by robowolves barking as fiercely as their organic predecessors, Sim pressed the book to her chest. Her other hand found the electromagnetic pulse generator from the old man. One chance. She pressed the button.

The machines sparked. Sim fled, eager to dive into the pages of a new world.

Image by Computizer on Pixabay
This short piece was made the best it could be with help from my friends at The Writer's Block. You'd be surprised how much editing can happen on a fifty word piece. If you're a writer looking to improve and get involved in a free network of peer editors, please click the image to the left. A bastion of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, TWB is a wonderful community offering an abundance of opportunity and fun.
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